Integrating Metabse iframe in React JS

I am trying to Integrate Metabse embeded in React JS but It is throwing an error.
The errors are - from buffer, cryptography and couple of more errors.

import React, { Component } from "react";
import { sign } from "jsonwebtoken";

class Metabase extends Component {
  render() {
    const mbSiteUrl = "url";
    const mbSecretKey =
    const payload = {
      resource: { dashboard: 1 },
      exp: Math.round( / 1000) + 10 * 60, //Expiration time in EPOCH
    const token = sign(payload, mbSecretKey);
    const iframeUrl = `${mbSiteUrl}/auth/sso?jwt=${token}&return_to=${encodeURIComponent(
    return (
      //   <iframe
      //     src={iframeUrl}
      //     title="Metabase"
      //     style={{ border: "none", width: "100%", height: "100%" }}
      //   />

        // frameBorder={0}
        // allowTransparency

export default Metabase;

Hi @monukmodi ! After integrating the Metabase dashboard into your web app, are you able to hide the Metabase URL and token from being exposed in the front-end when inspected?