Is there an export feature for the dashboards?

I have created a dashboard and one big thing that our users always ask for is the ability to export the data to csv. Is this a feature in Metabase or is there a way I can accomplish this through the API?


You can export each question individually but we don’t have the ability to export an entire dashboard yet.

Obviously this wouldn’t be a single csv … would your users like a single CSV per card? a zip with all the question’s csvs? I suppose if we had an XLS export, we could in theory export each question as a tab.

I think a really beneficial solution would be to take a csv of each question and put them on tabs or even just put an identifier to the particular card and put them all on one tab. I have a similar product which allows you to analyze surveys through charts but when you export to cvs it normalize it and exports each question in one document. For BI purposes I think csv export is vital. Another nice option would be PDF export. Love this tool by the way and my team and I are excited to see its future. We have been trying to find a suitable NoSQL reporting tool short of building our own in JS for a while now. Most tools still haven’t caught up to No SQL data.

A PDF option would be fantastic…


I am new to Metabase and have create a dashboard which I have embedded inside my web application. Issue I face is that from Metabase application we can download data @ question level, but from when I embedded this dashboard inside my application I cannot.
How can we export data @ question level?
Any help appreciated.

We don’t offer that at this time, but there is an open Pull Request for this –

@sameer has there been any update on the pull request listed? This is exactly what I need for my embedded dashboard

@sameer @trik
Hi there! I was wondering if this export feature was available to pdf a whole dashboard? I am new and unable to find it if it is available already.

Hi @saskiavl
Most modern browsers allows you to create a screenshot or save a page as PDF, so that would be the way to currently to it.
Otherwise you would have to setup a headless browser like Puppeteer/Phantomjs/WebDriver and script your own export function - have a look in the comments of this issue:

If you look at user’s complaints about PowerBI, this feature comes very near the top. In PowerBI, you can export a group of dashboards to a single pdf, but you can’t schedule it to happen. The only schedules are images.
In a typical company, the higher up you go, the more likely it is the person just wants to receive something in their email rather than prodding around a web page.
Having scheduled pdf exports of dashboards would be a great feature. I’m surprised there’s been less feedback about it on GitHub.


I’ve just had a play with a pdf conversion from
They have umpteen ways to integrate, I just used their PDF button with one of my public links.
I converted this:
to a pdf file I can’t upload, but looks the same but with the charts beneath one another (it’s portrait format). The conversion used 7 of my 1500 free credits. To buy this at the smallest subscription would be a little less then $0.05.
Would be very easy to schedule. Not sure how flexible the export is for things like landscape though.

Hi @flamber,

Thanks and appreciate the help!
We found an alternative solution as well which has works - if you go to Print the Dashboard, then create a PDF Preview. This has worked well so for now that’s what I’ll continue to do.
We may also create a branded header in Sketch and then overlay it so it looks more formal.