Java error and parameter(date) mismatch

Hi Metabase team. Thanks a lot for providing us such a nice tool, and it really helps a lot to improve productivity.

When I was updating the software recently, I found 2 issues and I am here to seek your help.

The first thing is, when I was trying to update the jar file to version 030.03 on windows 7 (x64 version), the message showed “A java Exception has occurred”, so I have to stick to version 030.02. For info, I am using the official JRE version

The other thing is, when I tested some query on version 030.02,I found that the real date parameter the MySQL data base received was actually one day earlier than what I picked up on the Metabase web. for example, I built a custom SQL question with “SELECT * from balance where b_date={{date}}” and picked up a date from the web, then I found the data I fetched was with the b_date filed of one day earlier. I am wondering whether this is a common issue so I reported it to you.

Thanks again for your kind and nice work to help us with this outstanding and using friendly tool, and I really hope it will become better and better.


For your first thing: I can reproduce an error (but I get a different error message) with v0.30.3 that is not in v0.30.2 if I set the language to zh when I start Metabase. See Can not startup when use 0.30.3 version

For your second thing: I’d say first check the Troubleshooting Guide on time zone issues:

Please let me know if the troubleshooting guide helps to fix the issue for you!

Millions of thanks for your kind and quick help.


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