JMX for < 0.41

On one server I have Metabase 0.41, while on the other, I have 0.39

I enabled JMX on 0.41 and am able to connect it via jconsole, but when I enabled the JMX on 0.39, I am not able to connect to JMX.

Wanted to ask, do we have JMX only for versions 0.41 and above? As I am not able to find any documentations for lower versions related to JMX.


Hi @Anuraag
JMX dependencies was added in 0.40.0:

Thanks @flamber,

Okay, you mean that I can use JMX only from 0.40 version onwards, right?


@Anuraag You should be able to, yes. You can compile your own version of 39 with the dependencies added if you're not able to upgrade.

Thanks @flamber!