i am creating interactive embedding full metabase in to my application .
My backend is laravel.
public function authenticateMetabase($request)
$user = $this->DEMO_USER;
$jwt = $this->signUserToken($user);
$returnTo = $request->query('return_to');
return ["redirect",redirect()->away(config('metabase.url').'/auth/sso?jwt='.$jwt.'&return_to='.$returnTo)];
private function signUserToken($user)
$key = config('metabase.secret_key');
$payload= [
"email" => $user['email'],
"first_name" => $user['first_name'],
"last_name" => $user['last_name'],
"metabase_user_id" => $user['id'],
'exp' => now()->addMinutes(10)->getTimestamp(),
'iat' => now()->addMinutes(10)->getTimestamp(),
return JWT::encode($payload, $key, 'HS256');
This is my code and i'm using firebase-php jwt package for CREATE JWT token.
But this way of JWT encode is not working to create a session. The response of the redirect message is
The error "Message seems corrupt or manipulated"
indicates that Metabase is unable to validate the JWT token due to a signature issue. This likely happens because the signature on the token either doesn't match or is malformed.