JWT Issue?

i am creating interactive embedding full metabase in to my application .
My backend is laravel.
public function authenticateMetabase($request)
$user = $this->DEMO_USER;
$jwt = $this->signUserToken($user);
$returnTo = $request->query('return_to');
return ["redirect",redirect()->away(config('metabase.url').'/auth/sso?jwt='.$jwt.'&return_to='.$returnTo)];

private function signUserToken($user)
    $key = config('metabase.secret_key');

    $payload= [
        "email" => $user['email'],
        "first_name" => $user['first_name'],
        "last_name" => $user['last_name'],
        "metabase_user_id" => $user['id'],
        'exp' => now()->addMinutes(10)->getTimestamp(),
        'iat' => now()->addMinutes(10)->getTimestamp(),

    return JWT::encode($payload, $key, 'HS256');

This is my code and i'm using firebase-php jwt package for CREATE JWT token.
But this way of JWT encode is not working to create a session. The response of the redirect message is
The error "Message seems corrupt or manipulated" indicates that Metabase is unable to validate the JWT token due to a signature issue. This likely happens because the signature on the token either doesn't match or is malformed.

Hey Aarsan,

Does the token that get generated and returned match the token same string if you were to go to https://jwt.io/ and use your the secret key?
I don't think it's related to the error you're getting but you may want to have your issued and expired timestamps different.
