Launching metabase error


I need some help please, after running
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name metabase metabase/metabase

I am getting a weird error, I am using a root acount on my server running Debian 10.
Please help me

Hi @kpone53
Not sure why you’re seeing that, when you’re executing as root. Haven’t seen that error before as root.
Are you using apparmour or selinux?

Check the logs to find more information where the error originated from, which might help you finding the root cause.

Searchable text: su: can't set groups: Permission denied

Hi @flamber

I am using apparmour, I cheked the logs and I can see some denied things but not sure how to fix.
I tried the docker hello-word and it works fine.
Thanks for your help

@kpone53 hello-world does not require root. Disable apparmour, or set up correct allow. Have a search on - it’s not really an issue specific to Metabase.
Otherwise use the JAR instead if you don’t know how to change things so Docker works.