It keeps hitting my redshift, no matter what I do.
I turned off "Rerun queries for simple explorations"
I turned on "Choose when syncs and scans happen" and set it to daily at midnight
I set "Scanning for Filter Values" to Never
I turned off "Periodically refingerprint tables"
The thing is still running these queries non-stop against my database, often against the same tables over and over:
SELECT "schema"."table"."column" AS "column" FROM "schema"."table" GROUP BY "schema"."table"."column" ORDER BY "schema"."table"."column" ASC LIMIT 1000
How do I make this stop? At this point I'm willing to fork the thing and mod the code.
hi, it's getting the field values: for that not to happen please go to your application database and fire the following query:
UPDATE metabase_field SET has_field_values = 'none';
Now every single filter in your metabase instance will be an input box and you won't see the queries ever again unless you add a new field or table that has varchars
Well hell just cut the damn baby in half why don't you... can't I make it just do this less often? Like not twice a day per table, which is whats happening now?
If you disabled the field values in the db config then it’s doing it now every time someone clicks on a field that has configured to show field values (that was why I suggested you to put all fields as input boxes)
It will also do the query if you use linked filters in dashboards