Metabase 49: Making it easier to get stuff done

Hey there,

Metabase 49 is officially out!

In 49, you'll find:
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Dashboard improvements for faster setup and consistent views
:small_red_triangle: Amped up trend charts with more comparisons
:heavy_plus_sign: Append data to CSV uploads
:dancing_women: Serialization now works with Metabase Cloud via API :tada:
:disguised_face: New ways to customize Metabase’s appearance

If you're self-hosting you can upgrade to 49 whenever you're ready. We'll be rolling it out to Cloud customers over the coming week or so, we'll email you once you've been upgraded.

We hope 49 makes your life in Metabase easier, be sure to let us know what you think!

Product Marketing Manager at Metabase

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