We snuck out one more release just in time for the end of the year. It's a little lighter than some of our previous releases, but still packs plenty of punch:
Sankey charts
Connect dashboard filters to columns at any stage of the query
Faster, more relevant search results
Dashboard verification
Language localization for static and public embeds
The current plan for editable notification templates is to let you edit the entire body of them (be it emails or HTTP calls) as text, using handlebars templating tags where you want. So you'd be able to have fully custom messages, include links/viz or not, etc.
This is shaping up to ship closer to the middle of the year.
For content localization, the path we're most likely taking is to let you download a CSV with all of the strings in your content – table names, column names, question titles, etc – with columns to enter translations. It would apply to static embeds as well, most likely.
This is on track to ship in the next release or two (so April or June).
These are rough estimates though, and while those are indeed our plans, things may change. Hope this helps!