Metabase 52 is here!

We snuck out one more release just in time for the end of the year. It's a little lighter than some of our previous releases, but still packs plenty of punch:

  • Sankey charts
  • Connect dashboard filters to columns at any stage of the query
  • Faster, more relevant search results
  • Dashboard verification
  • Language localization for static and public embeds

And plenty more. Check out the release announcement and let us know what you think.

Jess from Metabase

Hi @Jess , thanks for the info. Already on 52 and looking forward to some features also in 53 and 54.

However, I could not find any detail on those - is there any detail?

To be concrete, I would be interested in these two features from your roadmap (Metabase Product Roadmap):

Editable notification templates (actively being built, but could not find in Git)

Content localization (planned for next release or two)

  • what is the extent of the localization? Will it apply to static embeds as well?
  • can one assume this coming in next 3-6 months based on your past release frequency?
