Metabase 53 - we’re at it again 🥳

First release of the year :confetti_ball: (many, many more to come!)

With new features like saving questions to dashboards, dynamic iframe cards, preemptive caching, query builder improvements, new API docs, and more!

:large_blue_diamond: Check out the full announcement
:large_blue_diamond: YouTube playlist featuring v53 update videos.

Got questions or feedback? Let us know in the comments.


Hi guys,

Embedding questions in dashboards is very nice to "clean" collections.

However, there are a couple of cases / features that are not super easy to understand / operate, but I guess we missed something and advices are welcome.

Questions with additional series : how can I attach a question to the dashboard, use it as an additionnal serie in another question already attached to the dashboard, but without displaying the additonal serie question as a standalone question it in the dashboard ?

  • Only option I see would be to Remove and trash. I have the feeling there is something missing there.
  • If I do "prepare" my question with all series prior to attaching to the dash, OK. But if I want to add new series ? Shall I move my root question out of the dash, then add additional series and attach it back ?
  • After some testing, I notice that if I do remove the root question, then other question used as series look to be totally disappearing - as they cannot be found in the trash neither found anywhere, even through Search. As well, unchecking a question in the additional series list gets the related question to be MIA - it can't be found anywhere.
  • Does it mean that, in this case, we shouldn't attach questions used for additional series to the dashboard, and keep those in a collection ?

Remove and trash action when editing : maybe it would be better to be able to, as well, Remove and move to collection ?
