Metabase AWS Beanstalk siteurl change

Hi Team
i was hosting metabase on aws beanstalk with one domain , my domain has been exired and now i can access to my account , beanstalk url is redirecting to expired domain , i tried to login and change the siteurl from ec2 instance but can't figure out how to do .
i tried to change site url variable from environment section of beanstalk , but its not working.

Hi @nik_intel
So did you have the "Redirect to HTTPS" enabled?
Instead of messing around with the envvars, then just go into the application database and change the values in the table setting - there are some known issues with envvars not working correctly with a specific combination of "Site URL" and "Redirect to HTTPS".

@flamber Thanks , i tried to login but unfortunately not able to login to db as i misplaced the password and now i can not see environment variable for password as well .

Also YES the redirect is enabled .

@nik_intel Then you need to recover the password:

You cannot do anything with environment variables - you have to make the change in the application database's table setting.

ok thanks @flamber , i will check .