Metabase Course

Hello! I'm searching for a company or a freelancer who can provide an online course on Metabase, starting from the basics to creating advanced dashboards and more. Do you have any recommendations for someone who can organize this kind of training? :slight_smile:

Yes! We have several options:

  • We have self-paced training available at Learn Metabase
  • We at Metabase can provide custom training for a fee - just fill out the form on our Professional Services page to connect with us and a Success Engineer will reach out to learn more about your needs and propose a package - Business Analytics Tools | Metabase
  • We also have a directory of partners that specialize in training. You can browse the directory or fill out a form where we will match with you with a partner: Get Help with Metabase from one of our Experts

Let us know if you need further help!