Metabase Debian to HTTPS, which solution should I choose?

Dear Metabase team and Mr. flamber

Thanks for your support to my previous post.

Now, my metabase app is running on http perfectly.

Host: digital ocean
DNS: godaddy
OS: Ubuntu 22

Next process is make our app to run on https.

According to these postings, there are 2 solutions.

You mentioned that jetty webserver is outdated in marketplace app.
Hence, which solution should I choose ?

I installed my metabase, following this guide.

Hence, current architecture is nginx(80) + metabase(3000).

My second question is :
If I choose second solution "setup ssl on nginx", nothing to do on metabase side ?

Looking forward to your kind consideration.

Best regards.

Hi @danchen327
Just setup Nginx to handle the certificate part, so it doesn't involve Metabase at all.
After you have switched to https, then update the Site URL in Admin > Settings > General.

Thank you very much.