Metabase ec2 server (java) is down weekly once , may I know the reason

Metabase ec2 server (java) is down weekly once , may I know the reason

Hi @Venkat103
It would be impossible to know without seeing all the logs.
Also include "Diagnostic Info" from Admin > Troubleshooting.

we are getting 502 bad gateway nginix error weekly once, we are unable to reach the metabase server.
Suddenly it went off with 502 bad gateway error weekly once.
Is their any solution to solve this

@Venkat103 It is impossible to know what is going on with your server without seeing the logs, so include those. Since you haven't provided "Diagnostic Info", then it's not possible to know if you're using JAR or Docker. Also include your hardware configuration.

If you are looking to avoid maintaining your own setup, then you can migrate to Metabase Cloud:

Metabase server down suddenly with 502 bad gateway error weekly once

In docker we are using metabase server along with nginix using ec2 instance, error is 502 bad gate way nginix, total server is getting down...

Then post the output from docker logs metabase (or whatever you have called the container).