Metabase not Loading


All of a sudden our metabase instance is refusing to load. We got this error

Error 500 java.sql.SQLException An SQLException was provoked by the following failure com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.ResourcePoolException A ResourcePool cannot acquire a new resource -- the factory or source appears to be down.htm

We restarted the instance but still unsuccessful. We are using the free version of metabase hosted on AWS. When we checked on AWS, we see an error 'Incompatiable parameters'. Further digging we see the encoding parameter set to 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'.

Has anyone faced a similar issue? any direction to troubleshoot will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Which version where you running? Pretty sure Metabase can’t connect to the app db

We are on Meatbase v0.43

Two things:

  1. ensure Metabase can connect to the app db
  2. upgrade to the latest version