Metabase seriliazation dump error

Hello gays!
I'm trying to do a dump from my enterprise Metabase by using this manual Serialization: preloading dashboards in a new Metabase instance, but receive empty data in the output, also I see that the dump process uses H2 Db instead of Postgres SQL that I configured during deploy my service.

docker run --rm --name metabase-dump
--network metanet
-e MB_DB_CONNECTION_URI="postgres://cloud_sql_proxy:5432/metabase-s?user=metabase-tenant-&password=******"
-v "/LOCAL_PATH:/target"
metabase/metabase-enterprise:v1.40.5 "dump /target"

Any ideas on how we can resolve it?

Hi @vkhtei
Please use the support email, when using the Enterprise Edition.
I'm not entirely sure what it's not picking up the environment variable.
Try also specifying -e MB_DB_TYPE="postgres"

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