I upgraded our self hosted instance to 0.44.2 on Monday, 9/5. This hasn't resolved the issue. I'm seeing a ton of queries against one of our staging databases.
Here's the config for this database:
Here is a query showing how many queries are being run for this snowflake warehouse by the metabase user:
date_trunc(hour, start_time),
count(distinct query_id)
from snowflake.account_usage.query_history
where query_text = 'show /* JDBC:DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() */ columns in database "ANALYTICS_STAGING"'
and warehouse_name = 'ADHOC_REPORTING'
and user_name = 'METABASE_USER'
group by 1, 2
order by 1
It shows that this query:
show /* JDBC:DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() */ columns in database "ANALYTICS_STAGING"
Is being run almost 5,000 times an hour. This seems insane to me.
I'd love for someone to tell me I'm doing something wrong, or that there are more configuration options I can toggle to reduce our spend.