Metabase timeout after 10 mints Your question took too long on metabase cloud

hi we have taken a metabase cloud we are getting Your question took too long after 10 mints also i increased timeout in RDS to 1 hour still issue is not solved any help

Hi @faisal
How long are the queries supposed to take?
How many connections do you see on your RDS? Are they querying, active or idle?
Does this happen to all your databases connected in Metabase, or only specific ones?
I would recommend that you reach out to if you need to attach logs etc.

@flamber currently there is no active query that is running on RDS

ERROR metabase.query-processor.middleware.catch-exceptions Error processing query: null @flamber
this is the error i am getting

That error is not the entire stacktrace - it's not possible to see anything from that.
Contact support and supply the following information:

  1. Are there any connections on RDS from Metabase - no matter which state they are in? If yes, what are the states and count?
  2. Does this happen to all your databases connected in Metabase, or only specific ones?