Metabase upgrade does not work - again

Hi there, hope someone will help. I am curently running a Selfhosted Metabase in Docker, version 0.49.14, with Postgres SQL.

I wanted to upgrade it to the latest version, beeing 0.50.22.

Everything is done, according to the instructions Metabase Upgrade,.

  1. Backed up the application database.
  2. Upgrade the Metabase to the latest version in the current running release, for me this is a version 0.49.24. before upgrading to the latest version.

So, I removed current running container, pulled the version 0.49.24, and let it point to the metabase application database, the container starts and is healthy.

When accessing the Metabase instance via Chrome, I see the Metabase splash screen, and then I get the screen for setup Metabase for first time usage.

No old questions, dashboards... It sets up my instance as a fresh install.

In the database however I am able to see collections, dashboards, users and so one.

What should I do. are there some settings I can edit manually in the database, ex. databasechangelog table...

Are you passing the proper env variables to the database? 99.9% metabase is being created with the H2 DB

How are you deploying metabase? and how are you passing the application DB env variables?

Thanks for your answer.

This is how I deployed my metabase instance. I am using PostgresSQL. metabasedb_new is the MB application database.

As per installation instruction this should be production ready deployment.

All the application data is contained in the metabasedb_new database, so all what should be done from security perspective is regularly backup of the database.

I do not use H2. According to the recommendation.

Have I missed something?

docker run -d -p 5000:3000
-e "MB_DATA_TYPE=postgres"
-e "MB_DB_DBNAME=metabasedb_new"
-e "MB_DB_PORT=5432"
-e "MB_DB_USER=metabase"
-e "MB_DB_PASS=metabase123"
-e "MB_DB_HOST=" --name metabase metabase/metabase:v0.49.24

MB_DATA_TYPE does not exists as an environment variable

No, the MB_DB_TYPE is set to postgres.

Here is the command I run today, as I said metabase_new is the application database.

So where did the MB_DATA_TYPE came from?

docker run -d -p 5000:3000
-e "MB_DATA_TYPE=postgres"
-e "MB_DB_DBNAME=metabasedb_new"
-e "MB_DB_PORT=5432"
-e "MB_DB_USER=metabase"
-e "MB_DB_PASS=metabase123"
-e "MB_DB_HOST=" --name metabase metabase/metabase:v0.49.24

From my Notepad, but the issue was the quotation marks around the env variables, look in the picture, at the command I run.

I run the command against a new database in postgres and realized the installer has not created any tables, but instead it created metabase instance on H2 instead.

After correcting the command with "", quotations it worked.

Pasting the command from the clipboard into the shell, preformated those quotations.