We are facing a Report timezone issue with the BigQuery database where changing the timezone of a report changes the timezone value of the timestamp field in the query results.
It was working fine with v0.44.X but on upgrading the version timezone issue is there. I have checked all the versions from 0.45 to 0.50.
Please help. As per the document, it should not happen.
So as the document says: if you change the "report timezone" setting, it will show the RESULTS of in the timezone you set. Is that the issue you're seeing?
Currently, we are using Metabase's v0.44.7.3 where when we keep the report timezone as Asia/Kolkata to schedule all the alerts and emails according to our timezone and as per the document itself it should not change the value of the timestamp columns that we are getting from Bigquery database(bigquery has UTC timezone by default) and for the mentioned version it is working as required. But while upgrading to the latest versions the timezone of the reporting timezone is altering the values of Bigquery timestamp columns i.e. adding +05:30 to the values which is causing wrong data insights and if we try to change the report timezone as per the database then it impacts the report schedulers.