Metabot + OpenAi

Can you please link the exact release that enables metabot openAI?

Hey Wanda,
Did you get any reproducible steps to use the feature and see its potential ?

2023-04-19 09:59:59,485 ERROR middleware.log :: POST /api/metabot/database/3 500 1.1 s (48 DB calls) 
 [{:type clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo,
   :message "Error calling remote bot server.\nPlease try again.",
   {:message "The bot server is under heavy load and cannot process your request at this time.\nPlease try again.",
    :status-code 500},
   :at [metabase.metabot.client$invoke_metabot invokeStatic "client.clj" 44]}],
 [[metabase.metabot.client$invoke_metabot invokeStatic "client.clj" 44]

Am I doing something wrong here ? can someone help me with this .... I am using the docker image for the metabot alpha release and this is the log from the container after asking question in the metabot input field

you're not doing nothing wrong, this feature is in alpha stage and we're still building it. We'll be shipping enhancements soon

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Ótimo, estamos ansiosos pelos resultados.

Looking forward to use it ! thanks @Luiggi

you need to upgrade Java to v11 :slight_smile:

Will this run on OpenJDK 17.x from Microsoft? That's what we're running Metabase with now.


no, we don't support java 17 for now, so things might break

For me Metabot is working fine

Reproducing the steps:

  • Get an API key with Paid plan
  • Configure the Admin setting for metabot (I used gpt-3.5-turbo)
  • Create a Question with the raw data source
  • Make sure you look once to the table for the column names
  • save it
  • Make it into a model
  • Analyze the Model, i.e (it's columns, data points ... just take a glance)
  • Ask question to the bot e.g: if a column stores staked price for each record and you want to find out the total staked amount. You can ask the bot that "Accumulate me the total staked price from the table" or so ...
  • This gives me result other than the bot server busy
  • Bonus TIP: You can ask complex questions to the bot once you know your data well :innocent: :wink:


I don't want to come across as negative, but it looks like it was quickly put in place in the middle of the ChatFPT fever, and I don't see it evolving ever since. It does not work, even when using models. This feature will be in all BI tools in the next 2 years. Non-BI people will not even want to use the editor by then. I strongly encourage our friends at MB to put this high on the development list.

We’re still working on this feature internally but we haven’t pushed any updates yet. They’ll come soon

Is it possible to use a custom open ai model to generate SQL queries

not yet

How would I try metabot out in OSS distribution? I don't see any metabot configuration in settigns

@Luiggi thank you for being so responsive on this thread, helped reading through so far! Any updates on the Metabot + OpenAI integration release to Beta or public? Thanks!

It's in there now. You need to set MB_IS_METABOT_ENABLED to true, then add an open ai key in settings.

edited for silly typo

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Thanks for the reply @AndrewMBaines !

I tried adding MB_IS_METABASE_ENABLED: "true" to the docker-compose.yml, but I don't get the setting to add OpenAI API key.

Do you know if it's available only on a specific version of the Docker image? I am using latest.

Also I am using the self-hosted version, not Pro or Enterprise. Is the OpenAI integration only available to those?

Thank you!