Monthly data range

Hi everyone!

Every rows belongs to a month (YYYY-MM) in my data table.
I would like to filter January, February and March together with ONE or maximum two filter and then aggregate some metric.

What is the best way to do that?

The best approach till now: store every rows with a date: YYYY-MM-01, and then create a date filter on this, and set filter 'Month and Year', the problem with this is that only one month could be chosen in this case.

THX, Géza

Hi @geza.lorincz

You can leave it as a string-type, which you currently have and change the field type to "Category" in Admin > Data Model and make it a dropdown:

Otherwise you'll need to change it to real date type, so Metabase can read it as such and then allow period selection.

But basically you have data in a format that doesn't fit into Metabase, so you'll need to workaround that.

Hi @flamber,

Thank you!
"Otherwise you'll need to change it to real date type, so Metabase can read it as such and then allow period selection." -> I've already did it and I keep every rows in data type with these date e.g.: '2021-01-01', '2021-02-01', '2021-03-01', etc.
It allows the period selection in a dialy view, but it is so confusing for users, because I have monthly data, and the user can set period for example, between '2021-01-03' and '2021-01-20' and of course the result is empty.
I am afraid there is no sexy solution for this UX problem

@geza.lorincz If you have less than 10 years, then just keep it as a YYYY-MM string, so there's a dropdown instead of a date selector. That should be fairly easy for users to understand.
Again, Metabase does not really fit with your data, so you'll need to find your own way.

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