Not able to access Metabase randomly

When trying to access Metabase users randomly get

Something's gone wrong We've run into an error. You can try refreshing the page, or just go back.

The problem with this error is that it pops up and there is no way to access Metabase anymore. After some time the error disappears.

Any idea where it may come from? Deleting cache and cookies does not do anything. Unauthenticated

are you running a self hosted instance? version?

self hosted. 0.46.6.

Having the same issue. Resetting password is a work-around (worked for me at least).

please upgrade to the latest version

We did. We are on version v1.46.6.2 but we appear to be experiencing this bug which was purportedly resolved.

exactly. also using google SSO here.

looks like a google sso issue:

All fixed in the latest versions of 44,45,46

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