Not populate the chart in metabase


I have one issue with Metabase chart, it does not populate the chart.
Metabase issue:

FYI, it only happened when there is a huge data in our db.

When I tried to run in DataGrip, it took < 10sec to run

Hi @amzar
Post "Diagnostic Info" from Admin > Troubleshooting.
And the full stacktrace from Admin > Troubleshooting > Logs.

Hi @flamber

here is the logs

 :started_at #t "2022-09-08T14:02:14.579796Z[UTC]",
 [{:status :failed,
   :class clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo,
   :error "Error executing query: ERROR: canceling statement due to user request",
   ["--> driver.sql_jdbc.execute$execute_reducible_query$fn__54060.invoke(execute.clj:502)"
   :error_type :invalid-query,

@amzar Since you are not including the full stacktrace, then I'm guessing that you are using a reverse-proxy, which closes the connection after 60 seconds (that's the default for Nginx and several other reverse-proxies).
Try searching the forum"canceling%20statement%20due%20to%20user%20request"

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@flamber cooooool, i guess this is the issue. let me check. thanks much!