Permissions sandboxing support attribute mutil values or not?

use sandboxing limit different user can view mutil status of the orders , but i see the demo one attribute only support one value?it can support mutil values or not ?

Hi @abo123456789
Please use the support email if you are using the Enterprise/Pro edition.
Yes, you can use multiple values when using advanced sandboxing:

i have a simple, query sql like this:[ select * from orders where user_id=1 and channel in ('app' , 'h5')]
i want to set the user_id and channel by Data sandboxes, can give me some advise? see the docs: but i also not sure the Pro edition Data sandboxes can support the attribute mutil values or not? if it is ok , can give me a simple , i will buy pro version immediately

@abo123456789 Sandboxing is available on Pro like it says in the top of the documentation:

Data sandboxes
This feature is only available on Pro and Enterprise plans (both self-hosted and on Metabase Cloud).

Please use support email, when you are using the Pro/Enterprise.