We have a big screen in our office. It is showing a Metabase dashboard that contains a map card (and some other cards).
Since the screen is big, the map card is shown pixelated (but quality of other cards is ok).
Hi @King_Edward
Interesting - I have never noticed that anywhere, but I don’t have a lot of pin maps either.
Which version of Metabase?
Is there any type of zoom going on in that browser?
Which browser are you using? And which resolution?
The pin is actually an image (raster), whereas almost everything else are SVG (vector). Vector can be scaled in any direction and still looks great, but raster will never scale nice.
version 0.33.3
The screen gets its data from slides made in a digital studio (thetvsign.com). I don’t think there is any zooming applied on the slides I’ve made there.
I tried different resolutions on TV, but the problem is not related to the TV resolution as other cards are showing decently.
Okay, I guess it has something to do with how the signage systems does things.
Try connecting a computer directly to the screen and check by visiting the dashboard in a browser.
You were right. I used Google Chrome to cast the browser screen on the TV, and now the quality of the map is similar to other cards (although the overall quality of all cards is lower, probably because of the limited bit-rate transfer from chrome to the TV).