Pivot Table blurry cell information

I have a pivot table displayed on a dashboard that has some cells, not the whole table, being displayed fuzzy. However if you open the question, or display it as a normal table, not a pivot table it displays just fine. Is there a known issue with this?

Can you share some images of what you mean by "fuzzy" ... Also metabase version

Here is what I was referring too. Some cells are crisp and clean, while some of them come in fuzzy. When I open the question itself everything is fine, it's only when I apply it to a dashboard. I've also changed this to a standard table and there's no issue with it.

Current version is 0.52.5

For comparison, here is the same question when opened up fully

Are you using windows?

Sorry for the late reply, our email servers put the response into our quarantine inbox. Yes we are running Windows 10 currently