Pivot table expand completely (V0.51.3)

I have just installed V0.51.3 on Docker. All my pivot tables are completely expanded and the + or - aren't there to collapse or expand.
The mailing of the pivot table (Excel format) has a name with special characters in the name (time part), so I can't open it.

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Hi all, just to inform, same problem here.

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any update on this issue?

I upgraded to V0.51.4, but the problem still is there. But I found out that new questions with a pivot table works fine. I haven't found yet how to update my existing pivot tables.

interesting, just created an issue We broke the pivot grouping in 51 · Issue #50346 · metabase/metabase · GitHub

The situation has been fixed in version 0.51.5

Hi Twinsa, I upgraded to V0.51.5. and I can confirm that it all works fine now. Thanks for letting me know.

Issue solved in V0.51.5.