Postgres Version for Metabase

Hi all,
We have a Metabase instance (latest version) working in our production environment with a Postgres docker (for Metabase) in the background. As we want to get rid of the Postgres docker and install a “real” Postgres Database, my question would be of if i can use the lates version of Postgres (12) for metabase:

Just to be sure, the Postgres will be used to store Metabase related data.


Hi @lst
Which version of Metabase? Post “Diagnostic Info” from Admin > Troubleshooting.
Metabase requires Postgres 9.4 or newer for the application database (metadata).

Hi @flamber.
We are using version 33.4 of metabase. So we can use postgres 12 also for storing metabase data (metadata)?

@lst While I haven’t played with Postgres 12 yet, still on 11.4, there should be no issues with that version (any version 9.4+ has worked).