Problem with Date Field in 0.40

I had a SQL script that worked with Metabase V0.38.

(SELECT count(*) AS count
FROM cell_tester_measurement_1
WHERE cell_tester_measurement_1.FINISHED Result <> ''
[[and {{Battery_Type}}]]
[[and {{Teststatus}}]]
(SELECT count(cell_tester_measurement_1.Serialnumber) AS count
FROM cell_tester_measurement_1
WHERE cell_tester_measurement_1.FINISHED Result = 'PASS'
[[and {{Battery_Type}}]]
[[and {{Teststatus}}]]
) as Yield

Now I have also updated 0.40 and get an error.
... use near ánddate(´cell_tester_measurement_1´.´Date Measurement 1´) BETWEEN ´2021-12-01 00´at line 7

The Date format looks strange now.
In my Database i only have Date without Time.
Can anyone help me with that ?


Post "Diagnostic Info" from Admin > Troubleshooting.
Latest release is 0.42.0:

What do "looks strange now" mean? Make sure that you are using correct casting if you're using that:


ok i found the issue

there must be a space in between [[and space here {{Zeitspanne}}]]

this code works (with spaces inserted)
[[and {{Zeitspanne}}]]
[[and {{Monat_Jahr}}]]
[[and {{Battery_Type}}]]
[[and {{Teststatus}}]]