Protect your Metabase instance ASAP

We've been informed of another issue affecting Metabase and you should protect your Metabase instance as soon as you can. Please, do the following:

If you are using Metabase Cloud, we have already secured your Metabase until the patch is available. No need to take any action. When the patch is released, we’ll upgrade your Metabase automatically.

If you are self-hosting Metabase, it’s exposed to the Internet, not behind a VPN or isolated, we strongly recommend that you block the following endpoints to your Metabase server until we release the patch and you upgrade your Metabase:

POST /api/database
PUT /api/database/:id
POST /api/setup/validate

Make sure to not block GET requests to those endpoints, or Metabase will not work properly.

If you don’t know how to make these changes to your ingress or web server, it may be better to shut down your instance until the patch is released and you upgrade your instance.

We will update our blog and send another communication once the patch is completed with instructions for how to upgrade, as well as a security advisory and CVE. If you’re running your own fork, we’ll also share instructions on what to patch.

EDIT: we pushed new versions of Metabase and you need to upgrade as soon as you can. Please upgrade to the latest version of the major version you’re in, no matter what. Keep the blocks on the endpoints preventively

EDIT2: we have received reports about botnets using the vulnerability for DDoS and crypto mining. If you see your instance using 100% of its cpu capacity or a huge spike in the traffic, please turn it off and spin up a new Metabase instance in a non compromised server with the latest and patched version

Sorry to hear that another issue has been disclosed but better to find out now and deal with it all at once. From my perspective it's nice to see that everything being dealt with openly :clap:

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I searched in my log and found this. Appears that this API call is made today? Does that mean that my instance has been explited?

2023-07-29T08:25:26+08:00 DEBUG metabase.server.middleware.log POST /api/setup/validate 400 562.9 µs(0个数据库调用)

What’s after or before that call? Can you send the log ?

[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:13:01+08:00 INFO metabase.sync.analyze fingerprint-fields Analyzed [········································] :disappointed: 20% 表32'invBinding'
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:13:01+08:00 INFO metabase.sync.analyze fingerprint-fields Analyzed [
···································] :confused: 30% 表72'temp_table'
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:13:01+08:00 INFO metabase.sync.util FINISHED: 为mysql数据库2“快升明道”执行步骤“fingerprint-fields” (129.6 ms)
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:13:01+08:00 INFO metabase.sync.util STARTING: 为mysql数据库2“快升明道”执行步骤“classify-fields”
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:13:01+08:00 INFO metabase.sync.analyze classify-fields Analyzed [
······························] :neutral_face: 40% 表13'currentInv'
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:13:01+08:00 INFO metabase.sync.analyze classify-fields Analyzed [·························] :grimacing: 50% 表28'tagMapping'
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:13:01+08:00 INFO metabase.sync.analyze classify-fields Analyzed [
····················] :relieved: 60% 表68'productPartyVolume'
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:13:01+08:00 INFO metabase.sync.util FINISHED: 为mysql数据库2“快升明道”执行步骤“classify-fields” (43.3 ms)
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:13:01+08:00 INFO metabase.sync.util STARTING: 为mysql数据库2“快升明道”执行步骤“classify-tables”
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:13:01+08:00 INFO metabase.sync.analyze classify-tables Analyzed [················] :smirk: 70% 表9'inventoryHist'
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:13:01+08:00 INFO metabase.sync.analyze classify-tables Analyzed [
******··········] :blush: 80% 表23'compAlloTransaction'
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:13:01+08:00 INFO metabase.sync.analyze classify-tables Analyzed [
**********************************······] :heart_eyes: 90% 表64'productMontlySalesStats'
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:13:01+08:00 INFO metabase.sync.util FINISHED: 为mysql数据库2“快升明道”执行步骤“classify-tables” (34.3 ms)
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:13:01+08:00 INFO metabase.sync.util FINISHED: Analyze data for mysql数据库2“快升明道” (237.2 ms)
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:25:24+08:00 DEBUG metabase.server.middleware.log GET /api/session/properties 200 6.4 ms(1个数据库调用) 应用数据库连接:0 / 15 Jetty线程。6/50(1空闲,0排队) (112总活动线程) 飞行中的查询:0。 (0排队)
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:25:26+08:00 DEBUG metabase.server.middleware.log POST /api/setup/validate 400 562.9 µs(0个数据库调用)
{:errors {:token "Token does not match the setup token."}}

[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:29:11+08:00 DEBUG metabase.server.middleware.log GET /api/embed/dashboard/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyZXNvdXJjZSI6eyJkYXNoYm9hcmQiOjM1fSwicGFyYW1zIjp7InBhcnR5cm93aWQiOiI5N2JiYWFmYy01YTliLTQ2ZTItYjk5Yi0zNjAwMGY3NWE4ODkifSwiZXhwIjoxNjkwNTkyMzQ3fQ.ESK-oqcpmH8MltSvDHpvU82u8BsYma58ApxjE_mlJzc 200 23.8 ms(14个数据库调用) 应用数据库连接:0 / 15 Jetty线程。6/50(1空闲,0排队) (113总活动线程) 飞行中的查询:0。 (0排队)
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:29:11+08:00 DEBUG metabase.server.middleware.log GET /api/session/properties 200 6.0 ms(1个数据库调用) 应用数据库连接:0 / 15 Jetty线程。6/50(1空闲,0排队) (114总活动线程) 飞行中的查询:0。 (0排队)
[e7478793-c7a5-4f72-853e-6e56a9633c6f] 2023-07-29T08:29:11+08:00 ERROR metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute 为:mysql数据库设置时区'Asia/Shanghai失败
java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: (conn=1078393) Unknown or incorrect time zone: 'Asia/Shanghai'

That post didn’t do anything, no need to worry, just upgrade and rotate all your keys just for prevention

What do you mean by " and rotate all your keys just for prevention"? Do you mean to re-generate the API key?

Rotate dw credentials, app db password, encryption key if you have one, signing key if you’re embedding

If you're serving Metabase through an nginx proxy, something like this should work:

upstream metabase {

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name my.metabase.local;

    location ~ /api/database/[0-9]+ {
        include /etc/nginx/includes/metabase_proxy.conf;
        if ($request_method = PUT) {
            return 405; # Method Not Allowed
        proxy_pass http://metabase;

    location = /api/database {
        include /etc/nginx/includes/metabase_proxy.conf;
        if ($request_method = POST) {
            return 405; # Method Not Allowed
        proxy_pass http://metabase;

    location = /api/setup/validate {
        include /etc/nginx/includes/metabase_proxy.conf;
        if ($request_method = POST) {
            return 405; # Method Not Allowed
        proxy_pass http://metabase;

    location / {
        include /etc/nginx/includes/metabase_proxy.conf;
        proxy_pass http://metabase;

metabase_proxy.conf is a file containing proxying directives, mine is:

client_max_body_size 8M;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

I'm not exactly an Nginx guru so if you notice some problem (like: is the regex for /api/database/:id right?) please let me know so I can fix my own configurations...

That said, I'm getting 405s for all the following commands, so let's hope it'll be enough.

curl -X POST -d "{id:1}" http://my.metabase.local/api/database
curl -X PUT -d "{id:1}" http://my.metabase.local/api/database/3
curl -X POST -d "{id:1}" http://my.metabase.local/api/setup/validate

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What would a POST that did something look like? I have a number of them in the logs over the last 24 hours, and they all look pretty much the same:

INFO 2023-07-28T06:23:12.173207629Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] 2023-07-28 06:23:12,173 DEBUG middleware.log :: e[32mGET /api/session/properties 200 7.7 ms (1 DB calls) App DB connections: 0/15 Jetty threads: 3/50 (4 idle, 0 queued) (98 total active threads) Queries in flight: 0 (0 queued)e[0m
INFO 2023-07-28T06:23:12.409986490Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] 2023-07-28 06:23:12,409 DEBUG middleware.log :: e[31mPOST /api/setup/validate 400 1.7 ms (0 DB calls)
INFO 2023-07-28T06:23:12.410030482Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] {:errors {:token "Token does not match the setup token."}}
INFO 2023-07-28T06:23:12.410036763Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] e[0m


INFO 2023-07-28T08:06:09.639203914Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] 2023-07-28 08:06:09,639 DEBUG middleware.log :: e[32mGET /api/session/properties 200 6.5 ms (1 DB calls) App DB connections: 0/15 Jetty threads: 3/50 (4 idle, 0 queued) (99 total active threads) Queries in flight: 0 (0 queued)e[0m
INFO 2023-07-28T08:06:10.939962188Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] 2023-07-28 08:06:10,939 DEBUG middleware.log :: e[31mPOST /api/setup/validate 400 734.3 µs (0 DB calls)
INFO 2023-07-28T08:06:10.940018121Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] {:errors {:token "Token does not match the setup token."}}
INFO 2023-07-28T08:06:10.940024292Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] e[0m


INFO 2023-07-28T18:58:07.290984772Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] 2023-07-28 18:58:07,290 DEBUG middleware.log :: e[32mGET /api/session/properties 200 7.0 ms (1 DB calls) App DB connections: 0/15 Jetty threads: 3/50 (4 idle, 0 queued) (99 total active threads) Queries in flight: 0 (0 queued)e[0m
INFO 2023-07-28T18:58:08.060513988Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] 2023-07-28 18:58:08,060 DEBUG middleware.log :: e[31mPOST /api/setup/validate 400 687.7 µs (0 DB calls)
INFO 2023-07-28T18:58:08.060579587Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] {:errors {:token "Token does not match the setup token."}}
INFO 2023-07-28T18:58:08.060586887Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] e[0m


INFO 2023-07-28T22:41:09.902216206Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] 2023-07-28 22:41:09,902 DEBUG middleware.log :: e[32mGET /api/session/properties 200 6.4 ms (1 DB calls) App DB connections: 0/15 Jetty threads: 3/50 (4 idle, 0 queued) (99 total active threads) Queries in flight: 0 (0 queued)e[0m
INFO 2023-07-28T22:41:12.174958362Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] 2023-07-28 22:41:12,174 DEBUG middleware.log :: e[31mPOST /api/setup/validate 400 559.6 µs (0 DB calls)
INFO 2023-07-28T22:41:12.175009340Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] {:errors {:token "Token does not match the setup token."}}
INFO 2023-07-28T22:41:12.175015332Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] e[0m


INFO 2023-07-29T00:25:07.542554277Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] 2023-07-29 00:25:07,542 DEBUG middleware.log :: e[32mGET /api/session/properties 200 6.9 ms (1 DB calls) App DB connections: 0/15 Jetty threads: 3/50 (4 idle, 0 queued) (99 total active threads) Queries in flight: 0 (0 queued)e[0m
INFO 2023-07-29T00:25:08.529590785Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] 2023-07-29 00:25:08,529 DEBUG middleware.log :: e[31mPOST /api/setup/validate 400 655.1 µs (0 DB calls)
INFO 2023-07-29T00:25:08.529651020Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] {:errors {:token "Token does not match the setup token."}}
INFO 2023-07-29T00:25:08.529657426Z [resource.labels.containerName: metabase] e[0m

(We don't use the H2 DB – can this be exploited for Metabase instances using Postgres?)

No matter if the instance uses or not h2 it is exploitable

Thank you, good example

Good to know, thanks! What's the basis for knowing whether a POST to the vulnerable endpoint did anything or not in @xuheng925's logs? Is it the number of queries executed, the lack of subsequent log messages, or something else?

We’re still analyzing this and we might probably release some guide soon. I would say that you should put the blocks on the /api/setup/validate endpoint along recycling your environment and rotate all your keys. Please don’t waste any time

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Am I correct if I say that if my Metabase instances were CREATED with a version older than the ones you listed as affected, then the exploit can't work since the required token isn't available in the /api/session/properties endpoint even if you're running a newer version?
Trying to understand how many of our instances might have been affected and how much (and we might have been VERY lucky if the above is true).

Can we clear the setup-token if we find an instance that has it? A simple delete from setting where key='setup-token; should be enough.

Hi, is there a guide somewhere about configuring embedded Jetty in metabase.jar ?

From what I've read, if you see that "Token does not match the setup token." error you're likely ok, unless there's another attack vector...?
My logging was set up in such a way I only see the return code 400 and that would be the same for both a failed attempt and a successful one.... how did you get this level of logging?

Update: I have those "Token does not match" messages too, but they're on a separate line (the next in the log usually)) and I didn't see them until now because I was grepping journald :sweat_smile:

No, if your Metabase instance is in a vulnerable version, you’re vulnerable no matter the versión the instance was created. Please upgrade now

P.s. I don’t know the effect of wiping the setup token from the db

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