Protocol error for Metabase Postgres installation on Elastic Beanstalk

Can anybody more versed in Metabase logs glean anything from this? A new post to GitHub Issue #9021 indicates a Protocol error:

06-13 06:33:29 �[1mERROR metabase.core�[0m :: Metabase Initialization FAILED
java.lang.Exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Protocol error. Session setup failed.

Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Protocol error. Session setup failed.

Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Protocol error. Session setup failed.

Is the problem within Metabase itself, the Docker installation script for EBS, or something else entirely? Is it an easy fix?

Hi @mesquest
I’m guessing you’re using 0.32.9?
From the script that redirects to AWS, it defines rdsDBEngine=postgres, so I guess there’s a setting somewhere in the AWS configuration, which is actually set to Postgres.
There’s also a JSON file, but I haven’t checked when it’s used (or if it’s used at all)

Thanks @flamber, that makes sense. A proposed solution based on your response has been posted to GitHub.

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