Query broke itself after upgrade


I made an indicator this morning, then noticed there was an update.
I did update metabase, and indicator is now broken. Recreating the same indicator fails:

How can I fix it back?

Hi @sbs

Which version did you upgrade from?

Post "Diagnostic Info" from Admin > Troubleshooting.

And post the full stacktrace error from Admin > Troubleshooting > Logs.

Diag Info :
"browser-info": {
"language": "fr-FR",
"platform": "Win32",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.109 Safari/537.36 OPR/84.0.4316.31",
"vendor": "Google Inc."
"system-info": {
"file.encoding": "UTF-8",
"java.runtime.name": "OpenJDK Runtime Environment",
"java.runtime.version": "",
"java.vendor": "Eclipse Adoptium",
"java.vendor.url": "https://adoptium.net/",
"java.version": "",
"java.vm.name": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
"java.vm.version": "",
"os.name": "Linux",
"os.version": "5.4.0-104-generic",
"user.language": "en",
"user.timezone": "GMT"
"metabase-info": {
"databases": [
"hosting-env": "unknown",
"application-database": "h2",
"application-database-details": {
"database": {
"name": "H2",
"version": "1.4.197 (2018-03-18)"
"jdbc-driver": {
"name": "H2 JDBC Driver",
"version": "1.4.197 (2018-03-18)"
"run-mode": "prod",
"version": {
"date": "2022-02-28",
"tag": "v0.42.2",
"branch": "release-x.42.x",
"hash": "d6ff494"
"settings": {
"report-timezone": null

@sbs I'm guessing that you upgraded from 0.42.0 and that you are using Saved Questions:
https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/20809 - upvote by clicking :+1: on the first post

good guess :frowning:

Just to make sure the stack trace (hopefully a useful part, since the log is quite long)

[67e3b154-bb0b-41cd-a3e2-7bd4a6883bea] 2022-03-14T12:22:51+01:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.fetch-source-query Requête source extraite de la carte 35 : 
 {:source-table "card__34",
 :expressions {:Satisfaction [:- [:field 1617 nil] [:field 1621 nil]]},
 :filter [:>= [:expression "Satisfaction"] 0],
 :breakout [[:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year}]],
 :aggregation [[:count]]}

[67e3b154-bb0b-41cd-a3e2-7bd4a6883bea] 2022-03-14T12:22:51+01:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.fetch-source-query Requête source extraite de la carte 34 : 
 {:source-table 189,
   [[:field 1618 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}]
    [:field 1617 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}]
    [:field 1616 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}]],
   :source-table 188,
   [:= [:field 1622 {:temporal-unit :year}] [:field 1618 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog", :temporal-unit :year}]],
   :alias "TblTrainingGradeLog",
   :strategy :inner-join}],
 :fields [[:field 1621 nil]]}

[67e3b154-bb0b-41cd-a3e2-7bd4a6883bea] 2022-03-14T12:22:51+01:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.fetch-source-query Requête source extraite de la carte 32 : 
 {:source-table 188, :breakout [[:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year}]], :aggregation [[:count]]}

[67e3b154-bb0b-41cd-a3e2-7bd4a6883bea] 2022-03-14T12:22:51+01:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.fetch-source-query Requête source extraite de la carte 35 : 
 {:source-table "card__34",
 :expressions {:Satisfaction [:- [:field 1617 nil] [:field 1621 nil]]},
 :filter [:>= [:expression "Satisfaction"] 0],
 :breakout [[:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year}]],
 :aggregation [[:count]]}

[67e3b154-bb0b-41cd-a3e2-7bd4a6883bea] 2022-03-14T12:22:51+01:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.fetch-source-query Requête source extraite de la carte 32 : 
 {:source-table 188, :breakout [[:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year}]], :aggregation [[:count]]}

[67e3b154-bb0b-41cd-a3e2-7bd4a6883bea] 2022-03-14T12:22:51+01:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.fetch-source-query Requête source extraite de la carte 34 : 
 {:source-table 189,
   [[:field 1618 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}]
    [:field 1617 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}]
    [:field 1616 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}]],
   :source-table 188,
   [:= [:field 1622 {:temporal-unit :year}] [:field 1618 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog", :temporal-unit :year}]],
   :alias "TblTrainingGradeLog",
   :strategy :inner-join}],
 :fields [[:field 1621 nil]]}

[67e3b154-bb0b-41cd-a3e2-7bd4a6883bea] 2022-03-14T12:22:52+01:00 ERROR metabase.query-processor.middleware.catch-exceptions Erreur lors du traitement de la requête : null
{:database_id 3,
 :started_at #t "2022-03-14T11:22:51.538751Z[GMT]",
 [{:status :failed,
   :class clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo,
   :error "Erreur lors de lexécution de la requête: {0}",
   ["--> driver.sql_jdbc.execute$execute_reducible_query$fn__53301.invoke(execute.clj:504)"
   :error_type :invalid-query,
    "-- Metabase:: userID: 2 queryType: MBQL queryHash: 97c54cedadb0552fcd48112f8a7ac4cf2341b583d248a2d10153e5f632d243c4\nSELECT DateFromParts(year(\"source\".\"Question 32__TrainingDate\"), 1, 1) AS \"Question 32__TrainingDate\", avg(\"source\".\"Satisfaction\") AS \"avg\" FROM (SELECT \"Question 32\".\"TrainingDate\" AS \"Question 32__TrainingDate\", \"source\".\"count\" AS \"count\", (CAST(\"source\".\"count\" AS float) / CASE WHEN \"Question 32\".\"count\" = 0 THEN NULL ELSE \"Question 32\".\"count\" END) AS \"Satisfaction\", \"Question 32\".\"count\" AS \"Question 32__count\", DateFromParts(year(\"Question 32\".\"TrainingDate\"), 1, 1) AS \"Question 32__TrainingDate_2\", \"Question 32\".\"TrainingDate\" AS \"Question 32__TrainingDate_3\" FROM (SELECT TOP 1048575 DateFromParts(year(\"source\".\"TblTrainingGradeLog__TrainingDate\"), 1, 1) AS \"TblTrainingGradeLog__TrainingDate\", count(*) AS \"count\" FROM (SELECT \"dbo\".\"tblTrainingParams\".\"SatisfactionMinScore\" AS \"SatisfactionMinScore\", \"TblTrainingGradeLog\".\"TrainingDate\" AS \"TblTrainingGradeLog__TrainingDate\", \"TblTrainingGradeLog\".\"Grade\" AS \"TblTrainingGradeLog__Grade\", \"TblTrainingGradeLog\".\"TrainerID\" AS \"TblTrainingGradeLog__TrainerID\" FROM \"dbo\".\"tblTrainingParams\" INNER JOIN \"dbo\".\"tblTrainingGradeLog\" \"TblTrainingGradeLog\" ON DateFromParts(year(\"dbo\".\"tblTrainingParams\".\"ApplicableYear\"), 1, 1) = DateFromParts(year(\"TblTrainingGradeLog\".\"TrainingDate\"), 1, 1)) \"source\" WHERE (\"source\".\"TblTrainingGradeLog__Grade\" - \"source\".\"SatisfactionMinScore\") >= 0 GROUP BY year(\"source\".\"TblTrainingGradeLog__TrainingDate\") ORDER BY year(\"source\".\"TblTrainingGradeLog__TrainingDate\") ASC ) \"source\" INNER JOIN (SELECT DateFromParts(year(\"dbo\".\"tblTrainingGradeLog\".\"TrainingDate\"), 1, 1) AS \"TrainingDate\", count(*) AS \"count\" FROM \"dbo\".\"tblTrainingGradeLog\" GROUP BY year(\"dbo\".\"tblTrainingGradeLog\".\"TrainingDate\")) \"Question 32\" ON DateFromParts(year(\"source\".\"TrainingDate\"), 1, 1) = DateFromParts(year(\"Question 32\".\"TrainingDate\"), 1, 1)) \"source\" GROUP BY year(\"source\".\"Question 32__TrainingDate\") ORDER BY year(\"source\".\"Question 32__TrainingDate\") ASC",
    :params nil,
    :type :invalid-query}}],
 :state "S0001",
 :error_type :invalid-query,
 {:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
  :type :query,
  :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :ignore-cached-results? true, :process-viz-settings? false},
  :database 3,
  {:source-table "card__35",
   [{:fields :all,
     :source-table "card__32",
     [:= [:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year}] [:field 1618 {:join-alias "Question 32", :temporal-unit :year}]],
     :alias "Question 32",
     :strategy :inner-join}],
     [:field "count" {:base-type :type/Integer}]
     [:field "count" {:base-type :type/Integer, :join-alias "Question 32"}]]},
   :breakout [[:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year}]],
   :aggregation [[:avg [:expression "Satisfaction"]]]},
  :parameters [],
  :async? true,
  :cache-ttl nil},
  "SELECT DateFromParts(year(\"source\".\"Question 32__TrainingDate\"), 1, 1) AS \"Question 32__TrainingDate\", avg(\"source\".\"Satisfaction\") AS \"avg\" FROM (SELECT \"Question 32\".\"TrainingDate\" AS \"Question 32__TrainingDate\", \"source\".\"count\" AS \"count\", (CAST(\"source\".\"count\" AS float) / CASE WHEN \"Question 32\".\"count\" = 0 THEN NULL ELSE \"Question 32\".\"count\" END) AS \"Satisfaction\", \"Question 32\".\"count\" AS \"Question 32__count\", DateFromParts(year(\"Question 32\".\"TrainingDate\"), 1, 1) AS \"Question 32__TrainingDate_2\", \"Question 32\".\"TrainingDate\" AS \"Question 32__TrainingDate_3\" FROM (SELECT TOP 1048575 DateFromParts(year(\"source\".\"TblTrainingGradeLog__TrainingDate\"), 1, 1) AS \"TblTrainingGradeLog__TrainingDate\", count(*) AS \"count\" FROM (SELECT \"dbo\".\"tblTrainingParams\".\"SatisfactionMinScore\" AS \"SatisfactionMinScore\", \"TblTrainingGradeLog\".\"TrainingDate\" AS \"TblTrainingGradeLog__TrainingDate\", \"TblTrainingGradeLog\".\"Grade\" AS \"TblTrainingGradeLog__Grade\", \"TblTrainingGradeLog\".\"TrainerID\" AS \"TblTrainingGradeLog__TrainerID\" FROM \"dbo\".\"tblTrainingParams\" INNER JOIN \"dbo\".\"tblTrainingGradeLog\" \"TblTrainingGradeLog\" ON DateFromParts(year(\"dbo\".\"tblTrainingParams\".\"ApplicableYear\"), 1, 1) = DateFromParts(year(\"TblTrainingGradeLog\".\"TrainingDate\"), 1, 1)) \"source\" WHERE (\"source\".\"TblTrainingGradeLog__Grade\" - \"source\".\"SatisfactionMinScore\") >= 0 GROUP BY year(\"source\".\"TblTrainingGradeLog__TrainingDate\") ORDER BY year(\"source\".\"TblTrainingGradeLog__TrainingDate\") ASC ) \"source\" INNER JOIN (SELECT DateFromParts(year(\"dbo\".\"tblTrainingGradeLog\".\"TrainingDate\"), 1, 1) AS \"TrainingDate\", count(*) AS \"count\" FROM \"dbo\".\"tblTrainingGradeLog\" GROUP BY year(\"dbo\".\"tblTrainingGradeLog\".\"TrainingDate\")) \"Question 32\" ON DateFromParts(year(\"source\".\"TrainingDate\"), 1, 1) = DateFromParts(year(\"Question 32\".\"TrainingDate\"), 1, 1)) \"source\" GROUP BY year(\"source\".\"Question 32__TrainingDate\") ORDER BY year(\"source\".\"Question 32__TrainingDate\") ASC",
  :params nil},
 :status :failed,
 :class com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException,
  "--> driver.sql_jdbc.execute$fn__53221.invokeStatic(execute.clj:368)"
 :card_id 36,
 :context :question,
 :error "Invalid column name 'TrainingDate'.",
 :row_count 0,
 :running_time 0,
 {:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
  :type :query,
  :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :ignore-cached-results? true, :process-viz-settings? false},
  {:executed-by 2,
   :context :question,
   :card-id 36,
   :card-name "SatisfactionRatePerYear",
   [-105, -59, 76, -19, -83, -80, 85, 47, -51, 72, 17, 47, -118, 122, -60, -49, 35, 65, -75, -125, -46, 72, -94, -47,
    1, 83, -27, -10, 50, -46, 67, -60]},
  :database 3,
     [:field "count" {:base-type :type/Integer}]
     [:field "count" {:base-type :type/Integer, :join-alias "Question 32"}]]},
   :breakout [[:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year, :join-alias "Question 32"}]],
   :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:avg [:expression "Satisfaction"]] {:name "avg"}]],
   :source-card-id 35,
   [{:description nil,
     :semantic_type nil,
     :coercion_strategy nil,
     :unit :year,
     :name "TrainingDate",
     :settings nil,
     :field_ref [:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year, :join-alias "Question 32"}],
     :effective_type :type/Date,
     :id 1618,
     :display_name "TblTrainingGradeLog → TrainingDate",
     {:global {:distinct-count 6, :nil% 0.0},
      :type {:type/DateTime {:earliest "2021-02-28T00:00:00Z", :latest "2021-12-03T00:00:00Z"}}},
     :base_type :type/Date}
    {:display_name "Nombre de lignes",
     :semantic_type :type/Quantity,
     :field_ref [:aggregation 0],
     :name "count",
     :base_type :type/Integer,
     :effective_type :type/Integer,
     {:global {:distinct-count 1, :nil% 0.0},
      :type {:type/Number {:min 19.0, :q1 19.0, :q3 19.0, :max 19.0, :sd nil, :avg 19.0}}}}],
   :order-by [[:asc [:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year, :join-alias "Question 32"}]]],
   [{:alias "Question 32",
     :strategy :inner-join,
     [[:field 1618 {:join-alias "Question 32"}]
      [:field "count" {:base-type :type/Integer, :join-alias "Question 32"}]],
     [:= [:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year}] [:field 1618 {:join-alias "Question 32", :temporal-unit :year}]],
     :source-card-id 32,
     {:source-table 188,
      :breakout [[:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year}]],
      :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "count"}]],
      :order-by [[:asc [:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year}]]]},
     [{:description nil,
       :semantic_type nil,
       :coercion_strategy nil,
       :unit :year,
       :name "TrainingDate",
       :settings nil,
       :field_ref [:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year}],
       :effective_type :type/Date,
       :id 1618,
       :display_name "TrainingDate",
       {:global {:distinct-count 6, :nil% 0.0},
        :type {:type/DateTime {:earliest "2021-02-28T00:00:00Z", :latest "2021-12-03T00:00:00Z"}}},
       :base_type :type/Date}
      {:display_name "Nombre de lignes",
       :semantic_type :type/Quantity,
       :field_ref [:aggregation 0],
       :name "count",
       :base_type :type/Integer,
       :effective_type :type/Integer,
       {:global {:distinct-count 1, :nil% 0.0},
        :type {:type/Number {:min 25.0, :q1 25.0, :q3 25.0, :max 25.0, :sd nil, :avg 25.0}}}}]}],
   {:expressions {:Satisfaction [:- [:field 1617 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}] [:field 1621 nil]]},
    :filter [:>= [:expression "Satisfaction"] [:value 0 nil]],
    :breakout [[:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year, :join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}]],
    :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "count"}]],
    :source-card-id 34,
    [{:semantic_type :type/Score,
      :coercion_strategy nil,
      :name "SatisfactionMinScore",
      :field_ref [:field 1621 nil],
      :effective_type :type/Float,
      :id 1621,
      :display_name "SatisfactionMinScore",
      {:global {:distinct-count 1, :nil% 0.0},
       :type {:type/Number {:min 17.0, :q1 17.0, :q3 17.0, :max 17.0, :sd 0.0, :avg 17.0}}},
      :base_type :type/Float}
     {:semantic_type nil,
      :coercion_strategy nil,
      :unit :default,
      :name "TrainingDate",
      :field_ref [:field 1618 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog", :temporal-unit :default}],
      :effective_type :type/DateTime,
      :id 1618,
      :display_name "TblTrainingGradeLog → TrainingDate",
      {:global {:distinct-count 6, :nil% 0.0},
       :type {:type/DateTime {:earliest "2021-02-28T00:00:00Z", :latest "2021-12-03T00:00:00Z"}}},
      :base_type :type/DateTime}
     {:semantic_type nil,
      :coercion_strategy nil,
      :name "Grade",
      :field_ref [:field 1617 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}],
      :effective_type :type/Float,
      :id 1617,
      :display_name "TblTrainingGradeLog → Grade",
      {:global {:distinct-count 6, :nil% 0.0},
        {:min 15.0, :q1 16.584119566836076, :q3 18.79516317700457, :max 20.0, :sd 1.369914839202301, :avg 17.72}}},
      :base_type :type/Float}
     {:semantic_type :type/Category,
      :coercion_strategy nil,
      :name "TrainerID",
      :field_ref [:field 1616 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}],
      :effective_type :type/Text,
      :id 1616,
      :display_name "TblTrainingGradeLog → TrainerID",
      {:global {:distinct-count 2, :nil% 0.0},
        {:percent-json 0.0, :percent-url 0.0, :percent-email 0.0, :percent-state 0.0, :average-length 2.0}}},
      :base_type :type/Text}],
    :order-by [[:asc [:field 1618 {:temporal-unit :year, :join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}]]],
    {:source-table 189,
     [[:field 1621 nil]
      [:field 1618 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog", :temporal-unit :default}]
      [:field 1617 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}]
      [:field 1616 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}]],
     [{:alias "TblTrainingGradeLog",
       :strategy :inner-join,
       [[:field 1618 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog", :temporal-unit :default}]
        [:field 1617 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}]
        [:field 1616 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog"}]],
       :source-table 188,
        [:field 1622 {:temporal-unit :year}]
        [:field 1618 {:join-alias "TblTrainingGradeLog", :temporal-unit :year}]]}]}}},
  :async? true},
 :data {:rows [], :cols []}}

@sbs Yep, you're filtering by TrainingDate inside the saved question, which comes from a joined table.

Is this broken until next release ?
Can I downgrade my version to a previous one where this issue does not exist, until a fix is available?

@sbs Metabase does not support downgrading officially. You can normally downgrade between minor versions, but major versions can cause a lot of problems. Recommended approach is to revert to your backup.

Hummpf, how do I put it?

I guess, I did not read all the appropriate documentations. And have installed metabase in a docker. I did a pull on my docker to upgrade it. Is there a way back by specifying a version in the docker file ? (or a manual I should read regarding upgrading, backups and how to revert ?)

@sbs If you are new Docker, then I would recommend reading through their documentation. Or use the JAR instead of Docker.

You would specify the image tag, example:

docker run ...your parameters... metabase/metabase:v0.41.6

Thank for providing the version. I rollbacked to 0.41.6, and it works again. I'll update again some time later.


I tried upgrading to v0.44.3 today, and subqueries are still broken. Are there plan to fix htis someday, or shoudl I remain in 0.41.6?

@sbs Try reproducing the problem with the Sample Database, and provide updated stacktraces, since they are likely different.
Without detailed steps on how to reproduce a bug, then it's very difficult to fix problems.

I will try that. however, where do I find the sample database, it was not added to my database list?


@sbs Admin > Databases > there's a link in the bottom to add the Sample Database.


Ok, I did it, and here is the log. Run on the sample database

[56bfbccb-8a12-4af6-8ee8-09106f8f78c5] 2022-09-17T08:31:06+02:00 INFO metabase.api.dataset Source query for this query is Card 74
[56bfbccb-8a12-4af6-8ee8-09106f8f78c5] 2022-09-17T08:31:06+02:00 WARN metabase.query-processor.middleware.upgrade-field-literals Warning: clause [:field "count" {:base-type :type/BigInteger, :join-alias "Question 75"}] refers to a Field that may not be present in the source query. Query may not work as expected. Found: #{"CREATED_AT" "SOURCE" "city" "NAME" "CITY" "longitude" "BIRTH_DATE" "id" "email" "LATITUDE" "ZIP" "latitude" "name" "PASSWORD" "address" "birth_date" "ID" "LONGITUDE" "ADDRESS" "source" "STATE" "state" "password" "created_at" "EMAIL" "zip"}
[56bfbccb-8a12-4af6-8ee8-09106f8f78c5] 2022-09-17T08:31:06+02:00 ERROR metabase.query-processor.middleware.catch-exceptions Error processing query: Column """source"".ID" must be in the GROUP BY list; SQL statement:
-- Metabase:: userID: 2 queryType: MBQL queryHash: 037c6a6512b79354f77625fcfd8934c11ed5562f4b957a3920ef0ca5b78f5560
SELECT "source"."ID" AS "ID", "source"."ADDRESS" AS "ADDRESS", "source"."EMAIL" AS "EMAIL", "source"."PASSWORD" AS "PASSWORD", "source"."NAME" AS "NAME", "source"."CITY" AS "CITY", "source"."LONGITUDE" AS "LONGITUDE", "source"."STATE" AS "STATE", "source"."SOURCE" AS "SOURCE", "source"."BIRTH_DATE" AS "BIRTH_DATE", "source"."ZIP" AS "ZIP", "source"."LATITUDE" AS "LATITUDE", "source"."CREATED_AT" AS "CREATED_AT", "source"."Ratio" AS "Ratio", "source"."Question 75__CREATED_AT_2" AS "Question 75__CREATED_AT", "source"."Question 75__count" AS "Question 75__count" FROM (SELECT "source"."ID" AS "ID", "source"."ADDRESS" AS "ADDRESS", "source"."EMAIL" AS "EMAIL", "source"."PASSWORD" AS "PASSWORD", "source"."NAME" AS "NAME", "source"."CITY" AS "CITY", "source"."LONGITUDE" AS "LONGITUDE", "source"."STATE" AS "STATE", "source"."SOURCE" AS "SOURCE", "source"."BIRTH_DATE" AS "BIRTH_DATE", "source"."ZIP" AS "ZIP", "source"."LATITUDE" AS "LATITUDE", "source"."CREATED_AT" AS "CREATED_AT", (CAST(count(*) AS float) / CASE WHEN "Question 75"."count" = 0 THEN NULL ELSE "Question 75"."count" END) AS "Ratio", "Question 75"."CREATED_AT" AS "Question 75__CREATED_AT", "Question 75"."count" AS "Question 75__count", "Question 75"."CREATED_AT" AS "Question 75__CREATED_AT_2", parsedatetime(year("Question 75"."CREATED_AT"), 'yyyy') AS "Question 75__CREATED_AT_3" FROM (SELECT "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."ID" AS "ID", "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."ADDRESS" AS "ADDRESS", "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."EMAIL" AS "EMAIL", "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."PASSWORD" AS "PASSWORD", "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."NAME" AS "NAME", "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."CITY" AS "CITY", "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."LONGITUDE" AS "LONGITUDE", "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."STATE" AS "STATE", "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."SOURCE" AS "SOURCE", "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."BIRTH_DATE" AS "BIRTH_DATE", "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."ZIP" AS "ZIP", "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."LATITUDE" AS "LATITUDE", "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."CREATED_AT" AS "CREATED_AT" FROM "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE" WHERE ("PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."BIRTH_DATE" >= parsedatetime(year(dateadd('year', CAST(-30 AS long), now())), 'yyyy') AND "PUBLIC"."PEOPLE"."BIRTH_DATE" < parsedatetime(year(now()), 'yyyy'))) "source" LEFT JOIN (SELECT parsedatetime(year("PUBLIC"."ORDERS"."CREATED_AT"), 'yyyy') AS "CREATED_AT", count(*) AS "count" FROM "PUBLIC"."ORDERS" GROUP BY parsedatetime(year("PUBLIC"."ORDERS"."CREATED_AT"), 'yyyy') ORDER BY "count" DESC, parsedatetime(year("PUBLIC"."ORDERS"."CREATED_AT"), 'yyyy') ASC) "Question 75" ON parsedatetime(year("source"."BIRTH_DATE"), 'yyyy') = parsedatetime(year("Question 75"."CREATED_AT"), 'yyyy')) "source" LIMIT 10 [90016-197]
{:database_id 5,
 :started_at #t "2022-09-17T06:31:06.285711Z[GMT]",
 [{:status :failed,
   :class clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo,
   "Error executing query: Column \"\"\"source\"\".ID\" must be in the GROUP BY list; SQL statement:\n-- Metabase:: userID: 2 queryType: MBQL queryHash: 037c6a6512b79354f77625fcfd8934c11ed5562f4b957a3920ef0ca5b78f5560\nSELECT \"source\".\"ID\" AS \"ID\", \"source\".\"ADDRESS\" AS \"ADDRESS\", \"source\".\"EMAIL\" AS \"EMAIL\", \"source\".\"PASSWORD\" AS \"PASSWORD\", \"source\".\"NAME\" AS \"NAME\", \"source\".\"CITY\" AS \"CITY\", \"source\".\"LONGITUDE\" AS \"LONGITUDE\", \"source\".\"STATE\" AS \"STATE\", \"source\".\"SOURCE\" AS \"SOURCE\", \"source\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" AS \"BIRTH_DATE\", \"source\".\"ZIP\" AS \"ZIP\", \"source\".\"LATITUDE\" AS \"LATITUDE\", \"source\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"CREATED_AT\", \"source\".\"Ratio\" AS \"Ratio\", \"source\".\"Question 75__CREATED_AT_2\" AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT\", \"source\".\"Question 75__count\" AS \"Question 75__count\" FROM (SELECT \"source\".\"ID\" AS \"ID\", \"source\".\"ADDRESS\" AS \"ADDRESS\", \"source\".\"EMAIL\" AS \"EMAIL\", \"source\".\"PASSWORD\" AS \"PASSWORD\", \"source\".\"NAME\" AS \"NAME\", \"source\".\"CITY\" AS \"CITY\", \"source\".\"LONGITUDE\" AS \"LONGITUDE\", \"source\".\"STATE\" AS \"STATE\", \"source\".\"SOURCE\" AS \"SOURCE\", \"source\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" AS \"BIRTH_DATE\", \"source\".\"ZIP\" AS \"ZIP\", \"source\".\"LATITUDE\" AS \"LATITUDE\", \"source\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"CREATED_AT\", (CAST(count(*) AS float) / CASE WHEN \"Question 75\".\"count\" = 0 THEN NULL ELSE \"Question 75\".\"count\" END) AS \"Ratio\", \"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT\", \"Question 75\".\"count\" AS \"Question 75__count\", \"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT_2\", parsedatetime(year(\"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT_3\" FROM (SELECT \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"ID\" AS \"ID\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"ADDRESS\" AS \"ADDRESS\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"EMAIL\" AS \"EMAIL\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"PASSWORD\" AS \"PASSWORD\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"NAME\" AS \"NAME\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"CITY\" AS \"CITY\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"LONGITUDE\" AS \"LONGITUDE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"STATE\" AS \"STATE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"SOURCE\" AS \"SOURCE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" AS \"BIRTH_DATE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"ZIP\" AS \"ZIP\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"LATITUDE\" AS \"LATITUDE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"CREATED_AT\" FROM \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\" WHERE (\"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" >= parsedatetime(year(dateadd('year', CAST(-30 AS long), now())), 'yyyy') AND \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" < parsedatetime(year(now()), 'yyyy'))) \"source\" LEFT JOIN (SELECT parsedatetime(year(\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') AS \"CREATED_AT\", count(*) AS \"count\" FROM \"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\" GROUP BY parsedatetime(year(\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') ORDER BY \"count\" DESC, parsedatetime(year(\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') ASC) \"Question 75\" ON parsedatetime(year(\"source\".\"BIRTH_DATE\"), 'yyyy') = parsedatetime(year(\"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy')) \"source\" LIMIT 10 [90016-197]",
   ["--> driver.sql_jdbc.execute$execute_reducible_query$fn__55230.invoke(execute.clj:502)"
   :error_type :invalid-query,
    "-- Metabase:: userID: 2 queryType: MBQL queryHash: 037c6a6512b79354f77625fcfd8934c11ed5562f4b957a3920ef0ca5b78f5560\nSELECT \"source\".\"ID\" AS \"ID\", \"source\".\"ADDRESS\" AS \"ADDRESS\", \"source\".\"EMAIL\" AS \"EMAIL\", \"source\".\"PASSWORD\" AS \"PASSWORD\", \"source\".\"NAME\" AS \"NAME\", \"source\".\"CITY\" AS \"CITY\", \"source\".\"LONGITUDE\" AS \"LONGITUDE\", \"source\".\"STATE\" AS \"STATE\", \"source\".\"SOURCE\" AS \"SOURCE\", \"source\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" AS \"BIRTH_DATE\", \"source\".\"ZIP\" AS \"ZIP\", \"source\".\"LATITUDE\" AS \"LATITUDE\", \"source\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"CREATED_AT\", \"source\".\"Ratio\" AS \"Ratio\", \"source\".\"Question 75__CREATED_AT_2\" AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT\", \"source\".\"Question 75__count\" AS \"Question 75__count\" FROM (SELECT \"source\".\"ID\" AS \"ID\", \"source\".\"ADDRESS\" AS \"ADDRESS\", \"source\".\"EMAIL\" AS \"EMAIL\", \"source\".\"PASSWORD\" AS \"PASSWORD\", \"source\".\"NAME\" AS \"NAME\", \"source\".\"CITY\" AS \"CITY\", \"source\".\"LONGITUDE\" AS \"LONGITUDE\", \"source\".\"STATE\" AS \"STATE\", \"source\".\"SOURCE\" AS \"SOURCE\", \"source\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" AS \"BIRTH_DATE\", \"source\".\"ZIP\" AS \"ZIP\", \"source\".\"LATITUDE\" AS \"LATITUDE\", \"source\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"CREATED_AT\", (CAST(count(*) AS float) / CASE WHEN \"Question 75\".\"count\" = 0 THEN NULL ELSE \"Question 75\".\"count\" END) AS \"Ratio\", \"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT\", \"Question 75\".\"count\" AS \"Question 75__count\", \"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT_2\", parsedatetime(year(\"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT_3\" FROM (SELECT \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"ID\" AS \"ID\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"ADDRESS\" AS \"ADDRESS\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"EMAIL\" AS \"EMAIL\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"PASSWORD\" AS \"PASSWORD\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"NAME\" AS \"NAME\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"CITY\" AS \"CITY\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"LONGITUDE\" AS \"LONGITUDE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"STATE\" AS \"STATE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"SOURCE\" AS \"SOURCE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" AS \"BIRTH_DATE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"ZIP\" AS \"ZIP\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"LATITUDE\" AS \"LATITUDE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"CREATED_AT\" FROM \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\" WHERE (\"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" >= parsedatetime(year(dateadd('year', CAST(-30 AS long), now())), 'yyyy') AND \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" < parsedatetime(year(now()), 'yyyy'))) \"source\" LEFT JOIN (SELECT parsedatetime(year(\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') AS \"CREATED_AT\", count(*) AS \"count\" FROM \"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\" GROUP BY parsedatetime(year(\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') ORDER BY \"count\" DESC, parsedatetime(year(\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') ASC) \"Question 75\" ON parsedatetime(year(\"source\".\"BIRTH_DATE\"), 'yyyy') = parsedatetime(year(\"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy')) \"source\" LIMIT 10",
    :params nil,
    :type :invalid-query}}],
 :state "90016",
 :error_type :invalid-query,
 {:database 5,
  {:source-table "card__74",
   [{:fields "all",
     :source-table "card__75",
     ["=" ["field" 1691 {:temporal-unit "year"}] ["field" 1679 {:join-alias "Question 75", :temporal-unit "year"}]],
     :alias "Question 75"}],
   :expressions {:Ratio ["/" ["count"] ["field" "count" {:base-type "type/BigInteger", :join-alias "Question 75"}]]},
   :limit 10},
  :type "query",
  :parameters [],
  :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :add-default-userland-constraints? true}},
  "SELECT \"source\".\"ID\" AS \"ID\", \"source\".\"ADDRESS\" AS \"ADDRESS\", \"source\".\"EMAIL\" AS \"EMAIL\", \"source\".\"PASSWORD\" AS \"PASSWORD\", \"source\".\"NAME\" AS \"NAME\", \"source\".\"CITY\" AS \"CITY\", \"source\".\"LONGITUDE\" AS \"LONGITUDE\", \"source\".\"STATE\" AS \"STATE\", \"source\".\"SOURCE\" AS \"SOURCE\", \"source\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" AS \"BIRTH_DATE\", \"source\".\"ZIP\" AS \"ZIP\", \"source\".\"LATITUDE\" AS \"LATITUDE\", \"source\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"CREATED_AT\", \"source\".\"Ratio\" AS \"Ratio\", \"source\".\"Question 75__CREATED_AT_2\" AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT\", \"source\".\"Question 75__count\" AS \"Question 75__count\" FROM (SELECT \"source\".\"ID\" AS \"ID\", \"source\".\"ADDRESS\" AS \"ADDRESS\", \"source\".\"EMAIL\" AS \"EMAIL\", \"source\".\"PASSWORD\" AS \"PASSWORD\", \"source\".\"NAME\" AS \"NAME\", \"source\".\"CITY\" AS \"CITY\", \"source\".\"LONGITUDE\" AS \"LONGITUDE\", \"source\".\"STATE\" AS \"STATE\", \"source\".\"SOURCE\" AS \"SOURCE\", \"source\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" AS \"BIRTH_DATE\", \"source\".\"ZIP\" AS \"ZIP\", \"source\".\"LATITUDE\" AS \"LATITUDE\", \"source\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"CREATED_AT\", (CAST(count(*) AS float) / CASE WHEN \"Question 75\".\"count\" = 0 THEN NULL ELSE \"Question 75\".\"count\" END) AS \"Ratio\", \"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT\", \"Question 75\".\"count\" AS \"Question 75__count\", \"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT_2\", parsedatetime(year(\"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT_3\" FROM (SELECT \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"ID\" AS \"ID\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"ADDRESS\" AS \"ADDRESS\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"EMAIL\" AS \"EMAIL\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"PASSWORD\" AS \"PASSWORD\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"NAME\" AS \"NAME\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"CITY\" AS \"CITY\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"LONGITUDE\" AS \"LONGITUDE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"STATE\" AS \"STATE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"SOURCE\" AS \"SOURCE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" AS \"BIRTH_DATE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"ZIP\" AS \"ZIP\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"LATITUDE\" AS \"LATITUDE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"CREATED_AT\" FROM \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\" WHERE (\"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" >= parsedatetime(year(dateadd('year', CAST(-30 AS long), now())), 'yyyy') AND \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" < parsedatetime(year(now()), 'yyyy'))) \"source\" LEFT JOIN (SELECT parsedatetime(year(\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') AS \"CREATED_AT\", count(*) AS \"count\" FROM \"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\" GROUP BY parsedatetime(year(\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') ORDER BY \"count\" DESC, parsedatetime(year(\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') ASC) \"Question 75\" ON parsedatetime(year(\"source\".\"BIRTH_DATE\"), 'yyyy') = parsedatetime(year(\"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy')) \"source\" LIMIT 10",
  :params nil},
 :status :failed,
 :class org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException,
  "--> driver.sql_jdbc.execute$fn__55150.invokeStatic(execute.clj:367)"
 :card_id 74,
 :context :ad-hoc,
 "Column \"\"\"source\"\".ID\" must be in the GROUP BY list; SQL statement:\n-- Metabase:: userID: 2 queryType: MBQL queryHash: 037c6a6512b79354f77625fcfd8934c11ed5562f4b957a3920ef0ca5b78f5560\nSELECT \"source\".\"ID\" AS \"ID\", \"source\".\"ADDRESS\" AS \"ADDRESS\", \"source\".\"EMAIL\" AS \"EMAIL\", \"source\".\"PASSWORD\" AS \"PASSWORD\", \"source\".\"NAME\" AS \"NAME\", \"source\".\"CITY\" AS \"CITY\", \"source\".\"LONGITUDE\" AS \"LONGITUDE\", \"source\".\"STATE\" AS \"STATE\", \"source\".\"SOURCE\" AS \"SOURCE\", \"source\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" AS \"BIRTH_DATE\", \"source\".\"ZIP\" AS \"ZIP\", \"source\".\"LATITUDE\" AS \"LATITUDE\", \"source\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"CREATED_AT\", \"source\".\"Ratio\" AS \"Ratio\", \"source\".\"Question 75__CREATED_AT_2\" AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT\", \"source\".\"Question 75__count\" AS \"Question 75__count\" FROM (SELECT \"source\".\"ID\" AS \"ID\", \"source\".\"ADDRESS\" AS \"ADDRESS\", \"source\".\"EMAIL\" AS \"EMAIL\", \"source\".\"PASSWORD\" AS \"PASSWORD\", \"source\".\"NAME\" AS \"NAME\", \"source\".\"CITY\" AS \"CITY\", \"source\".\"LONGITUDE\" AS \"LONGITUDE\", \"source\".\"STATE\" AS \"STATE\", \"source\".\"SOURCE\" AS \"SOURCE\", \"source\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" AS \"BIRTH_DATE\", \"source\".\"ZIP\" AS \"ZIP\", \"source\".\"LATITUDE\" AS \"LATITUDE\", \"source\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"CREATED_AT\", (CAST(count(*) AS float) / CASE WHEN \"Question 75\".\"count\" = 0 THEN NULL ELSE \"Question 75\".\"count\" END) AS \"Ratio\", \"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT\", \"Question 75\".\"count\" AS \"Question 75__count\", \"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT_2\", parsedatetime(year(\"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') AS \"Question 75__CREATED_AT_3\" FROM (SELECT \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"ID\" AS \"ID\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"ADDRESS\" AS \"ADDRESS\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"EMAIL\" AS \"EMAIL\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"PASSWORD\" AS \"PASSWORD\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"NAME\" AS \"NAME\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"CITY\" AS \"CITY\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"LONGITUDE\" AS \"LONGITUDE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"STATE\" AS \"STATE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"SOURCE\" AS \"SOURCE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" AS \"BIRTH_DATE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"ZIP\" AS \"ZIP\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"LATITUDE\" AS \"LATITUDE\", \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"CREATED_AT\" AS \"CREATED_AT\" FROM \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\" WHERE (\"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" >= parsedatetime(year(dateadd('year', CAST(-30 AS long), now())), 'yyyy') AND \"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"BIRTH_DATE\" < parsedatetime(year(now()), 'yyyy'))) \"source\" LEFT JOIN (SELECT parsedatetime(year(\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') AS \"CREATED_AT\", count(*) AS \"count\" FROM \"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\" GROUP BY parsedatetime(year(\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') ORDER BY \"count\" DESC, parsedatetime(year(\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy') ASC) \"Question 75\" ON parsedatetime(year(\"source\".\"BIRTH_DATE\"), 'yyyy') = parsedatetime(year(\"Question 75\".\"CREATED_AT\"), 'yyyy')) \"source\" LIMIT 10 [90016-197]",
 :row_count 0,
 :running_time 0,
 {:database 5,
  {:expressions {"Ratio" [:/ [:count] [:field "count" {:base-type :type/BigInteger, :join-alias "Question 75"}]]},
   :limit 10,
   :source-card-id 74,
   [{:description "A unique identifier given to each user.",
     :semantic_type :type/PK,
     :coercion_strategy nil,
     :name "ID",
     :settings nil,
     :field_ref [:field 1697 nil],
     :effective_type :type/BigInteger,
     :id 1697,
     :visibility_type :normal,
     :display_name "ID",
     :fingerprint nil,
     :base_type :type/BigInteger}
    {:description "The street address of the account’s billing address",
     :semantic_type nil,
     :coercion_strategy nil,
     :name "ADDRESS",
     :settings nil,
     :field_ref [:field 1688 nil],
     :effective_type :type/Text,
     :id 1688,
     :visibility_type :normal,
     :display_name "Address",
     {:global {:distinct-count 2490, :nil% 0.0},
       {:percent-json 0.0, :percent-url 0.0, :percent-email 0.0, :percent-state 0.0, :average-length 20.85}}},
     :base_type :type/Text}
    {:description "The contact email for the account.",
     :semantic_type :type/Email,
     :coercion_strategy nil,
     :name "EMAIL",
     :settings nil,
     :field_ref [:field 1690 nil],
     :effective_type :type/Text,
     :id 1690,
     :visibility_type :normal,
     :display_name "Email",
     {:global {:distinct-count 2500, :nil% 0.0},
       {:percent-json 0.0, :percent-url 0.0, :percent-email 1.0, :percent-state 0.0, :average-length 24.1824}}},
     :base_type :type/Text}
    {:description "This is the salted password of the user. It should not be visible",
     :semantic_type nil,
     :coercion_strategy nil,
     :name "PASSWORD",
     :settings nil,
     :field_ref [:field 1686 nil],
     :effective_type :type/Text,
     :id 1686,
     :visibility_type :normal,
     :display_name "Password",
     {:global {:distinct-count 2500, :nil% 0.0},
       {:percent-json 0.0, :percent-url 0.0, :percent-email 0.0, :percent-state 0.0, :average-length 36.0}}},
     :base_type :type/Text}
    {:description "The name of the user who owns an account",
     :semantic_type :type/Name,
     :coercion_strategy nil,
     :name "NAME",
     :settings nil,
     :field_ref [:field 1689 nil],
     :effective_type :type/Text,
     :id 1689,
     :visibility_type :normal,
     :display_name "Name",
     {:global {:distinct-count 2499, :nil% 0.0},
       {:percent-json 0.0, :percent-url 0.0, :percent-email 0.0, :percent-state 0.0, :average-length 13.532}}},
     :base_type :type/Text}
    {:description "The city of the account’s billing address",
     :semantic_type :type/City,
     :coercion_strategy nil,
     :name "CITY",
     :settings nil,
     :field_ref [:field 1696 nil],
     :effective_type :type/Text,
     :id 1696,
     :visibility_type :normal,
     :display_name "City",
     {:global {:distinct-count 1966, :nil% 0.0},
       {:percent-json 0.0, :percent-url 0.0, :percent-email 0.0, :percent-state 0.002, :average-length 8.284}}},
     :base_type :type/Text}
     "This is the longitude of the user on sign-up. It might be updated in the future to the last seen location.",
     :semantic_type :type/Longitude,
     :coercion_strategy nil,
     :name "LONGITUDE",
     :settings nil,
     :field_ref [:field 1687 nil],
     :effective_type :type/Float,
     :id 1687,
     :visibility_type :normal,
     :display_name "Longitude",
     {:global {:distinct-count 2491, :nil% 0.0},
       {:min -166.5425726,
        :q1 -101.58350792373135,
        :q3 -84.65289348288829,
        :max -67.96735199999999,
        :sd 15.399698968175663,
        :avg -95.18741780363999}}},
     :base_type :type/Float}
    {:description "The state or province of the account’s billing address",
     :semantic_type :type/State,
     :coercion_strategy nil,
     :name "STATE",
     :settings nil,
     :field_ref [:field 1692 nil],
     :effective_type :type/Text,
     :id 1692,
     :visibility_type :normal,
     :display_name "State",
     {:global {:distinct-count 49, :nil% 0.0},
      {:type/Text {:percent-json 0.0, :percent-url 0.0, :percent-email 0.0, :percent-state 1.0, :average-length 2.0}}},
     :base_type :type/Text}
     "The channel through which we acquired this user. Valid values include: Affiliate, Facebook, Google, Organic and Twitter",
     :semantic_type :type/Source,
     :coercion_strategy nil,
     :name "SOURCE",
     :settings nil,
     :field_ref [:field 1693 nil],
     :effective_type :type/Text,
     :id 1693,
     :visibility_type :normal,
     :display_name "Source",
     {:global {:distinct-count 5, :nil% 0.0},
       {:percent-json 0.0, :percent-url 0.0, :percent-email 0.0, :percent-state 0.0, :average-length 7.4084}}},
     :base_type :type/Text}
    {:description "The date of birth of the user",
     :semantic_type nil,
     :coercion_strategy nil,
     :unit :default,
     :name "BIRTH_DATE",
     :settings nil,
     :field_ref [:field 1691 {:temporal-unit :default}],
     :effective_type :type/Date,
     :id 1691,
     :visibility_type :normal,
     :display_name "Birth Date",
     {:global {:distinct-count 2308, :nil% 0.0},
      :type {:type/DateTime {:earliest "1958-04-26", :latest "2000-04-03"}}},
     :base_type :type/Date}
    {:description "The postal code of the account’s billing address",
     :semantic_type :type/ZipCode,
     :coercion_strategy nil,
     :name "ZIP",
     :settings nil,
     :field_ref [:field 1695 nil],
     :effective_type :type/Text,
     :id 1695,
     :visibility_type :normal,
     :display_name "Zip",
     {:global {:distinct-count 2234, :nil% 0.0},
      {:type/Text {:percent-json 0.0, :percent-url 0.0, :percent-email 0.0, :percent-state 0.0, :average-length 5.0}}},
     :base_type :type/Text}
     "This is the latitude of the user on sign-up. It might be updated in the future to the last seen location.",
     :semantic_type :type/Latitude,
     :coercion_strategy nil,
     :name "LATITUDE",
     :settings nil,
     :field_ref [:field 1694 nil],
     :effective_type :type/Float,
     :id 1694,
     :visibility_type :normal,
     :display_name "Latitude",
     {:global {:distinct-count 2491, :nil% 0.0},
       {:min 25.775827,
        :q1 35.302705923023126,
        :q3 43.773802584662,
        :max 70.6355001,
        :sd 6.390832341883712,
        :avg 39.87934670484002}}},
     :base_type :type/Float}
    {:description "The date the user record was created. Also referred to as the user’s \"join date\"",
     :semantic_type :type/CreationTimestamp,
     :coercion_strategy nil,
     :unit :default,
     :name "CREATED_AT",
     :settings nil,
     :field_ref [:field 1685 {:temporal-unit :default}],
     :effective_type :type/DateTime,
     :id 1685,
     :visibility_type :normal,
     :display_name "Created At",
     {:global {:distinct-count 2500, :nil% 0.0},
      :type {:type/DateTime {:earliest "2016-04-19T21:35:18.752Z", :latest "2019-04-19T14:06:27.3Z"}}},
     :base_type :type/DateTime}],
   [[:field 1697 nil]
    [:field 1688 nil]
    [:field 1690 nil]
    [:field 1686 nil]
    [:field 1689 nil]
    [:field 1696 nil]
    [:field 1687 nil]
    [:field 1692 nil]
    [:field 1693 nil]
    [:field 1691 {:temporal-unit :default}]
    [:field 1695 nil]
    [:field 1694 nil]
    [:field 1685 {:temporal-unit :default}]
    [:expression "Ratio"]
    [:field 1679 {:join-alias "Question 75"}]
    [:field "count" {:base-type :type/BigInteger, :join-alias "Question 75"}]],
   [{:alias "Question 75",
     :strategy :left-join,
     [[:field 1679 {:join-alias "Question 75"}]
      [:field "count" {:base-type :type/BigInteger, :join-alias "Question 75"}]],
     [:= [:field 1691 {:temporal-unit :year}] [:field 1679 {:join-alias "Question 75", :temporal-unit :year}]],
     :source-card-id 75,
     {:source-table 227,
      :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "count"}]],
      :breakout [[:field 1679 {:temporal-unit :year}]],
      :order-by [[:desc [:aggregation 0 nil]] [:asc [:field 1679 {:temporal-unit :year}]]]},
     [{:description "The date and time an order was submitted.",
       :semantic_type :type/CreationTimestamp,
       :table_id 227,
       :coercion_strategy nil,
       :unit :year,
       :name "CREATED_AT",
       :settings nil,
       :source :breakout,
       :field_ref [:field 1679 {:temporal-unit :year}],
       :effective_type :type/DateTime,
       :nfc_path nil,
       :parent_id nil,
       :id 1679,
       :visibility_type :normal,
       :display_name "Created At",
       {:global {:distinct-count 9998, :nil% 0.0},
        :type {:type/DateTime {:earliest "2016-04-30T18:56:13.352Z", :latest "2020-04-19T14:07:15.657Z"}}},
       :base_type :type/DateTime}
      {:base_type :type/BigInteger,
       :semantic_type :type/Quantity,
       :name "count",
       :display_name "Count",
       :source :aggregation,
       :field_ref [:aggregation 0]}]}],
   {:source-table 228,
     [:>= [:field 1691 {:temporal-unit :default}] [:relative-datetime -30 :year]]
     [:< [:field 1691 {:temporal-unit :default}] [:relative-datetime 0 :year]]],
    [[:field 1697 nil]
     [:field 1688 nil]
     [:field 1690 nil]
     [:field 1686 nil]
     [:field 1689 nil]
     [:field 1696 nil]
     [:field 1687 nil]
     [:field 1692 nil]
     [:field 1693 nil]
     [:field 1691 {:temporal-unit :default}]
     [:field 1695 nil]
     [:field 1694 nil]
     [:field 1685 {:temporal-unit :default}]]}},
  :type :query,
  :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :add-default-userland-constraints? true},
  :info {:executed-by 2, :context :ad-hoc, :card-id 74}},
 :data {:rows [], :cols []}}

[56bfbccb-8a12-4af6-8ee8-09106f8f78c5] 2022-09-17T08:31:06+02:00 DEBUG metabase.server.middleware.log POST /api/dataset 202 [ASYNC: completed] 599.5 ms (43 DB calls) App DB connections: 0/15 Jetty threads: 3/50 (3 idle, 0 queued) (117 total active threads) Queries in flight: 0 (0 queued); h2 DB 5 connections: 0/1 (0 threads blocked)

Version info is :

  "browser-info": {
    "language": "fr-FR",
    "platform": "Win32",
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/104.0.5112.102 Safari/537.36 OPR/90.0.4480.84",
    "vendor": "Google Inc."
  "system-info": {
    "file.encoding": "UTF-8",
    "java.runtime.name": "OpenJDK Runtime Environment",
    "java.runtime.version": "",
    "java.vendor": "Eclipse Adoptium",
    "java.vendor.url": "https://adoptium.net/",
    "java.version": "",
    "java.vm.name": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
    "java.vm.version": "",
    "os.name": "Linux",
    "os.version": "5.4.0-125-generic",
    "user.language": "en",
    "user.timezone": "GMT"
  "metabase-info": {
    "databases": [
    "hosting-env": "unknown",
    "application-database": "h2",
    "application-database-details": {
      "database": {
        "name": "H2",
        "version": "1.4.197 (2018-03-18)"
      "jdbc-driver": {
        "name": "H2 JDBC Driver",
        "version": "1.4.197 (2018-03-18)"
    "run-mode": "prod",
    "version": {
      "date": "2022-09-02",
      "tag": "v0.44.3",
      "branch": "release-x.44.x",
      "hash": "7d50282"
    "settings": {
      "report-timezone": null

To give a little background of what I try to achieve, I have a table with user, date, grade

I have a question to get the count of user per year (let say Q1)
I have a question to get the count of user per year with passing grades (ie grade > value)

And I try to make a new question joining both table the yea and gen a new column [Count] / [Q1->Count].

This is the failure which stack trace is shown above.

On my own database which is running on SQLServer the error is Invalid column name 'TrainingDate'.


@sbs Okay, so your Sample fails because you are using Count (the function) in a Custom Column, which you cannot do. If you change to the column [Count] then it works.

Try having a look at https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/20809 or https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/18512 or one of the many issues I've created, then open an issue with clear steps-to-reproduce.

Also, since you are clearly using Metabase in production, then you should migrate away from H2:


You are correct, I had a typo and did not put square brackets around count.

However doing so, metabase does not seem to cooperate and breaks the reference to the joined query count. (see screengrab).

Am I missing something?

(I will look into migrating away from H2)

PS : Sorry for the link, I do not know how I can upload a small videoscreengrab in discourse

@sbs Try looking at the issues I've created and then just provide screenshots or a video showing every step.
Looking at your video it changes from [count] to Count (the function). I don't think that table has a summary.