Querying a field inside a nested document, make the query fail

I'm trying to query in a MongoDB with Metabase 1.45.2. If I select, like in the image, at least one field inside the nested document.

It fails like this:

[111a1248-72c2-4544-9669-cdf8147fd777] 2023-01-18T14:19:42+01:00 ERROR metabase.query-processor.middleware.catch-exceptions Errore elaborazione query: Errore nell'esecuzione della query
{:database_id 6,
 :started_at #t "2023-01-18T13:19:41.774075Z[UTC]",
 [{:status :failed,
   :class clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo,
   :error "Error reducing result rows: null",
   ["--> query_processor.context.default$default_reducef$fn__39686.invoke(default.clj:59)"
   :error_type :qp,
   :ex-data {:type :qp}}],
 :error_type :qp,
 {:type "query",
  :query {:source-table 30, :fields [["field" 454 nil]]},
  :database 6,
  :parameters [],
  :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :add-default-userland-constraints? true}},
 {:projections ("event_datum.params.message"),
  :query [{"$project" {"_id" false, "event_datum.params.message" "$event_datum.params.message"}} {"$limit" 1048575}],
  :collection "events",
  :mbql? true},
 :status :failed,
 :class java.lang.ClassCastException,
 :stacktrace [nil],
 :card_id nil,
 :context :ad-hoc,
 :error nil,
 :row_count 0,
 :running_time 0,
 {:type :query,
  {:source-table 30,
   :fields [[:field 454 nil]],
   :limit 1048575,
   :metabase.query-processor.middleware.limit/original-limit nil},
  :database 6,
  :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :add-default-userland-constraints? true},
  :info {:executed-by 2, :context :ad-hoc}},
 :data {:rows [], :cols []}}

In other topics I found the issue "Error reducing result rows: null" was solved by upgrading, so I did it from 1.44.6 to 1.45.2, but it' still present.
How to solve?

I just tried to reproduce the issue that you are seeing and coudn't

can you try building a dataset that hits this error and let us know?

Thank you Luiggi for the answer.
Thanks to that I got a better insight of the error.
Building the dataset I noticed that normally, like in your example, it would work. The error I get is probably caused by a field in the nested document, that sometimes is populated by an array.
(Should I open a thread with a different title?)

Here's what i built to reproduce, in the database there are the following documents:

    _id: ObjectId("63dd0f1d9d478b45649c9604"),
    layer1: { layer2: { layer3: 'value' } }
    _id: ObjectId("63dd0f489d478b45649c9605"),
    layer1: { layer2: 'hello' }
    _id: ObjectId("63e3ab2d3ffd5be1fdb8d756"),
    layer1: { layer2: { layer3: 'value2' } }
    _id: ObjectId("63e3aec63ffd5be1fdb8d758"),
    layer1: { layer2: [ { layer4: 'valueArray' } ] }

Now if I try to visualize only the "layer3" I get the same failure.

I can't modify the data, how to solve this situation?