Refreshing the Sample Database with current dates?

Anyone got any easy process to get "fresher" datetime values in the Sample Database?

For example my Orders table doesn't have anything after April 2020. I want to be able to use/demonstrate relative date filters using the sample data. I think only the new Accounts, Feedback, and Invoices tables have data over the current period (and future) which is good but it would be better if all the tables appeared "fresh".

It would be great if I could get all the datetimes shift to some offset from today. Anyone got a quick, pre-built solution?


I haven’t seen any, you should pull a Postgres db and build those dates yourself

I want to use the Sample Db for demonstration purposes. Used this script to freshen up the tables I'm looking at:

set @CreatedAtDaysToAdd = (select datediff(day, max(Created_at), now()) from public.orders);
update public.orders
set Created_at = dateadd(day, @CreatedAtDaysToAdd, Created_at);

set @PeopleCreatedAtDaysToAdd = (select datediff(day, max(Created_at), now()) from public.people);
update public.people
set Created_at = dateadd(day, @PeopleCreatedAtDaysToAdd, Created_at);

set @ProductsCreatedAtDaysToAdd = (select datediff(day, max(Created_at), now()) from public.products);
update public.products
set Created_at = dateadd(day, @ProductsCreatedAtDaysToAdd, Created_at);

set @ReviewsCreatedAtDaysToAdd = (select datediff(day, max(Created_at), now()) from;
set Created_at = dateadd(day, @ReviewsCreatedAtDaysToAdd, Created_at);

set @InvoicesDateReceivedDaysToAdd = (select datediff(day, max(date_received), now()) from public.invoices);
update public.invoices
set date_received = dateadd(day, @InvoicesDateReceivedDaysToAdd, date_received);


Not perfect but should be sufficient for my case.

EDIT: Changes made this way don't seem to stick, Metabase appears to recreate the sample db file on startup each time. Back to the drawing board ...

Yes. Since it’s embedded and file based. I would suggest you use a Postgres sample db (persisting the db files) like the ones we have at Docker