Run metabase on wsl successfully but the page show cannot get /

I run metabase on wsl successfully but the page show

cannot get /

when i access the page, like this:

Here is the content , i access it on wsl:

Can someone tell me what the problem is and how to resolve it​:yum::sunglasses:

please send the logs, since Metabase runs by default in port 3000

here is complete log when i run yarn build-hot:

zhanjiayuan@LAPTOP-TA09QEQM:~/metabase$ yarn build-hotyarn run v1.22.19$ yar -

  • The page is blank and there are some error messages in the console when i want to access localhost:3000

i have not modify the code

When you run yarn build:hot then webpack serves the application through a special web server that you see in the logs, please check the logs to see which ip and port is

when I access the ip and port which is frome logs, the performance is consistent

by the way, I can access background address

I am also facing the same problem. Please help us to step forward