Set mailbox

The input for each option is correct,but adding a mailbox failed.

@beta Check the Metabase log for more detailed errors.

Where can I find more detailed error logs for metabase?

In version 0.32, you can find logs and job tasks in Settings > Admin > Troubleshotting.
Depending on how you’re running Metabase, the actual log file might be located in the same directory as metabase.jar or maybe /var/log/metabase.log

I installed it through docker, how to find the directory of the log?

I faced same issue, its was issue with the firewall to the mail server…

Can you tell me how you solved it?

This is a detailed log, how to solve this problem of setting up the mailbox?

It cannot connect to host on port 25
When I try to telnet from my computer, then it also fails, so you need to check your firewall+DNS or contact your provider to make sure they’re not blocking you.