Set Schema for Postgres application database

Hi I'm trying to migrate my local Metabase H2 application database to production but would like to specify the destination schema so my "public" schema doesn't get flooded w/ Metabase tables.

I see that you can set the "database" via MB_DB_DBNAME environment variable but I'm limited to only the default 'postgres' database and would like to specify a schema instead. Is this possible?

Hi @lukep
You can define a non-default schema in the connection string with currentSchema=myschema, ex:


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Thank you - this fixed the issue for me!

Hi all,
This solution is not working for me.
I'm using the Docker image "metabase:latest" with the following environment variable:


Unfortunately I get errors during the server startup that relate to the migrations running on the "public" schema. For example:

INFOCREATE TABLE public.activity (
INFO    id integer NOT NULL,
INFO    topic character varying(32) NOT NULL,
INFO    "timestamp" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
INFO    user_id integer,
INFO    model character varying(16),
INFO    model_id integer,
INFO    database_id integer,
INFO    table_id integer,
INFO    custom_id character varying(48),
INFO    details text NOT NULL
ERRORCaused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: permission denied for schema public
INFO2024-03-03 09:21:54,230 INFO metabase.core :: Metabase Shutting Down ...

I even set the Postgres role default searchpath to "metabase".

It seems like I got the configuration wrong somehow or that there are hard-coded references to the "public" schema in metabases's code or its dependencies.

I'd love help with this.