Sql Server Group By Date:Month not working as expected

When defining a question and grouping by month it always shows only January.

The real data group by day shows correctly.

The metabase SQL generated for the query is:

SELECT count(*) AS "count", CAST(format("dbo"."AdministrativeLeave"."StartDate", 'yyyy-MM-01') AS datetime) AS "StartDate"
FROM "dbo"."AdministrativeLeave"
GROUP BY CAST(format("dbo"."AdministrativeLeave"."StartDate", 'yyyy-MM-01') AS datetime)
ORDER BY CAST(format("dbo"."AdministrativeLeave"."StartDate", 'yyyy-MM-01') AS datetime) ASC

This return only a few records from the database, and all of them of January.

I was expecting to show me each month of each year and the corresponding records.

Can anyone help me please?

Thank you

I found that if

(format(“dbo”.“AdministrativeLeave”.“StartDate”, ‘yyyy-MM-01’)

is substituted with

(format(“dbo”.“AdministrativeLeave”.“StartDate”, ‘yyyyMM01’)

It shows the correct rows.

Can anyone help me with this?
Is there a way to make metabase use ‘yyyyMM01’ instead of ‘yyyy-MM-01’