I have a dataset with a field shown in TZ timestamp format
2023-01-13 00:00:00.000 +0000
Upon fetching it to summarize on Metabase - I am unable to show it at the second grain , it only allows me upto the minute grain
I checked out this git page - Display seconds when displaying a date · Issue #8439 · metabase/metabase · GitHub where admins need to make a change for the desired dataset summary to show seconds - yet it still does not occur
Any idea or custom function I can embed to show seconds as the format originally is?
Can you share some screenshots on how it is displayed. Also check the Admin -> Localization section setup including the Admin -> Table Metadata information for that column
I did read about the Admin->Table Metadata settings that may have the toggle switch to activate seconds - and I did raise the request (I don't have admin permission)
The only manual two step process I figured is to convert question into sql and change date_trunc('minute') to date_trunc('second') and save it. I get the seconds displayed in my report when I do that
Please raise a feature request for this