There was a problem displaying this chart: why?

I have some dashboards with two connections: MySQL (via SSH tunnel) and Google Analytics. The Metabase DB is on MySQL (another server, in localhost). With both connections, from time to time, the results aren’t displayed with a “There was a problem displaying this chart” error. I don’t find a rule, the behavior seems to be random. If I reload the page sometimes works, sometime no, sometime others charts / table / numbers show the error.

How can I inspect the log in this cases? What can I do?


Best regards

Hi @marciuz
Which version are you using?
Inspecting the log file, well, that depends on what environment you’re running Metabase in - Docker, JAR, AWS EB, Mac App, …?
If you’re running version 0.32, then you can see log in Admin Settings > Troubleshooting > Log.
You should look at the log at the times, when it’s displaying the error - there should be an ERROR with a full stacktrace.

I'm using the JAR version, the last available (0.32.8), but the problem seems to be started with the 0.32.*

Here some error logs:

May 24 08:46:29 WARN metabase.query-processor.middleware.process-userland-query :: Fallimento query {:status :failed,
:class java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException,
:error "(conn=2302047) Broken pipe (Write failed)",
"--> driver.sql_jdbc.execute$do_in_transaction.invokeStatic(execute.clj:240)"
{:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
:type :native,
:middleware {:userland-query? true},
{:query "SELECT DATE(data_ins) d, count(*) \nFROM partecipazione\nWHERE DATE(data_ins) = CURRENT_DATE\nOR DATE(data_ins) = DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 1 DAY)\nGROUP BY d \nORDER BY d ASC\n"},
{:executed-by 1,
:context :question,
:card-id 134,
:dashboard-id nil,
:query-hash [98, 20, 15, 74, 37, -61, -65, -58, -92, 22, 23, -30, 2, 115, 115, -78, 38, 54, -40, -65, -118, 63, -60, -59, 61, -69, -43, -103, -95, -23, -21, 29]},
:parameters ,
:async? true,
:cache-ttl nil}}

or another one:

May 24 08:46:29 DEBUG metabase.middleware.log :: POST /api/card/134/query 200 [ASYNC: completed] 712 ms (9 DB calls) Jetty threads: 4/50 (3 idle, 0 queued) (92 total active threads) Queries in flight: 3
May 24 08:46:29 WARN metabase.query-processor.middleware.process-userland-query :: Fallimento query {:status :failed,
:class java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException,
:error "(conn=2293823) Broken pipe (Write failed)",
"--> driver.sql_jdbc.execute$do_in_transaction.invokeStatic(execute.clj:240)"
{:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
:type :native,
:middleware {:userland-query? true},
"SELECT SUM(tot_parziale) tot FROM (\n\n SELECT SUM(imponibile) tot_parziale\n FROM __o o\n WHERE stato_saldo='PAGATO'\n AND imponibile > 0\n AND DATE(data_pagamento) = CURRENT_DATE\n \n UNION \n \n SELECT SUM(prepagato) tot_parziale\n FROM coupon c \n WHERE DATE(c.data_gen) = CURRENT_DATE\n AND prepagato > 0\n\n) t\n;"},
{:executed-by 1,
:context :question,
:card-id 137,
:dashboard-id nil,
:query-hash [10, -72, 83, 95, -81, -112, -66, 81, -66, 5, 70, -95, -4, 15, -121, -64, 51, -101, -4, -117, 0, -60, 67, 107, 32, -63, 51, 1, 51, 74, 118, 1]},
:parameters ,
:async? true,
:cache-ttl nil}}

May 24 08:46:29 DEBUG metabase.middleware.log :: POST /api/card/137/query 200 [ASYNC: completed] 803 ms (9 DB calls) Jetty threads: 4/50 (3 idle, 0 queued) (92 total active threads) Queries in flight: 2
May 24 08:46:29 WARN metabase.query-processor.middleware.process-userland-query :: Fallimento query {:status :failed,
:class java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException,
:error "(conn=2258102) Broken pipe (Write failed)",
"--> driver.sql_jdbc.execute$do_in_transaction.invokeStatic(execute.clj:240)"
{:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
:type :native,
:middleware {:userland-query? true},
"SELECT CURRENT_DATE d, COUNT() n\nFROM __o o\nWHERE stato_saldo='PAGATO'\nAND imponibile > 0\nAND DATE(data_pagamento) = CURRENT_DATE\n\nUNION \n\nSELECT DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 1 DAY) d, COUNT() n\nFROM __o o\nWHERE stato_saldo='PAGATO'\nAND imponibile > 0\nAND DATE(data_pagamento) = DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 1 DAY)\n\nORDER BY d ASC"},
{:executed-by 1,
:context :question,
:card-id 136,
:dashboard-id nil,
:query-hash [45, -70, -86, 117, -57, -27, 70, 88, -6, 101, 8, -34, 63, -75, -85, 48, 73, -100, -106, -31, 52, -78, 77, 3, 115, -3, 113, 122, 84, 87, -7, 87]},
:parameters ,
:async? true,
:cache-ttl nil}}

Okay, great. With what you describe and what the log says, it sounds like you’re experiencing issue #9989 and/or #9885. Go and click the Subscribe-button on the issue to get notification when anything happens.

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