"This card doesn't have any fields or parameters that can be mapped to this parameter type"

I have a rather complicated SQL question, in which I join a few tables on date columns. I ultimately end up with a single date, which is selected as part of the overarching query.

  cast("views"."Dim Date__calendar_date" as date) AS "Reporting Date"

When I try to add this question to a dashboard, I am unable to control the date with a date filter as I would expect. I am presented with the following error

This card doesn't have any fields or parameters that can be mapped to this parameter type
Screen Shot 2022-11-02 at 11.17.18 AM

I've tried a number workarounds, but nothing has yielded positive results.

What, if anything, can I do to fix this problem?


Hi @wj4
Unless you have created a variable in the SQL question, then Metabase will not be able to know what to map to: