Transforming Editor to SQL questions make static date filter out of relative date filter


we are very happy Metabase users for years! A lot of people in our organization use the Editor to build a question for a certain topic and then use the "View the SQL" button to look up the SQL so they can use the SQL in different tools/processes.

In the past the following worked: filtering the question by e.g. "current month" would return a SQL containing = DATE_TRUNC("month", CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AS timestamp).
But since a couple of weeks this returns the static date of when the query is triggered: = CAST('2024-10-01 00:00:00+02:00' AS TIMESTAMP).

We are running on a self hosted version 0.49.12 (after v50.27 had to be rolled back) and haven't done an update since end of May. However, people are only reporting this issue since about a month. Did someone experience anything similar? Is there something obvious that I am missing on how this can be fixed?

Any help appreciated!