Troubles Embedding

Greetings, all.

Im evaluating a metabase installation in the cloud for one of my clients. I’ve decided to try and use the sample nodejs application built from the git hub repo here:

I have the node app up and running and am trying to use the /signed_chart/:id route.

Here is the code:

app.get("/signed_chart/:id", checkAuth, (req, res) => {
console.log("WE ARE HERE - inside signed_chart: ");
const userId = req.session.userId;
console.log("userid: " + userId);
const unsignedToken = {
resource: { question: 3 },
//original line: params: { person_id: userId },
//params: { id: userId },sign
params: { person_id: userId },
exp: Math.round( / 1000) + (10 * 60) // 10 minute expiration

// sign the JWT token with our secret key
const signedToken = jwt.sign(unsignedToken, MB_EMBEDDING_SECRET_KEY);
// construct the URL of the iframe to be displayed
console.log("signed token: " + signedToken);

const iframeUrl = `${MB_SITE_URL}/embed/question/${signedToken}`;
res.render("chart", { userId:, iframeUrl: iframeUrl });


node will then render the chart pug and give me 3 useful pieces of information:

  1. The jwt payload that’s being sent to metabase

  2. The iframe code where it will render the chart into the html portion of our application

  3. An actual iframe that should be displaying the chart embedded into the application

I get an error here, too:
Unknown parameter :person_id.

The console debugger has a lot of errors, as well, but lets just start with this and see if we can figure it out without wasting bits dumping error logs.

Thanks for your help,

I’ve managed to solve this problem. So for anybody looking for a solution when they’re trying the straight out of the box github node app, here is the code you need to get the app working (at least it worked for me):

app.get("/signed_chart/:id", checkAuth, (req, res) => {
const userId = req.session.userId;
const unsignedToken = {
resource: { question: 3 },
//original line: params: { person_id: userId },
//working param array
params: {},
exp: Math.round( / 1000) + (10 * 60) // 10 minute expiration

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