Updating Metabase on AWS (JAR version)

Hi, we need to update our current Metabase instance running on AWS. It is the JAR version of Metabase. We currently have a PostgreSQL DB with our data and a MySQL DB with our queries and other information connected. We are worried that if we update Metabase that we will lose our data/settings/dashboards that we currently have set up. Could someone please shed some light on how we update without breaking anything? Thank you in advance.

Hi @makerslade
Always have a backup before upgrading, but otherwise you simply replace that JAR and start again:

Hi @flamber thank you for your comment. We have managed to get Metabase up and running fine now, but whenever we connect our MySQL database to Metabase we are getting a 502 error.

Our current instance of Metabase is connected to a PostgreSQL DB with masterdata and is also connected to a MySQL DB with all our user data, questions and dashboard configs.

Could you please assist us? Let me know what information you need from us.

@makerslade You are not providing enough information. I don't understand you terminology completely and don't understand what you mean about "current instance".

  1. Post "Diagnostic Info" from Admin > Troubleshooting
  2. Post errors from your server console, since it sounds like Metabase is shutting down, since your reverse-proxy is giving error 502.

Will reply with that information now