Upgrade from 34.3 to 36.8.2 (latest version)

I am trying to upgrade from 34.3 to 36.8.2 but metabase service is keeping to restart automatically. Please advise. I am using Mysql DB for metabase.

Moreover, where is the default log location for metabase if I have not speicified “-Dlog4j.configuration”

Hi @hilaryfu
If you post the log from startup to restart, then it would likely include the problematic part.
There’s no log-file output if you don’t specify it in the log4j configuration. It will only output to console. So depending on how you’re hosting and running Metabase, that is difficult to answer.

However, Metabase service have not been up and running and I cannot find the problematic part in the log of admin panel. I can startup the Metabase service after restore database backup and down grade back to 34.3.

If I add the log4j configuration, we can find the problem logs. right?

@hilaryfu I don’t know how you’re hosting or running Metabase, but it sounds like you’re using Linux with systemd, which (depending on your configuration) should allow you to see the log via syslog.
Otherwise start Metabase manually, without a service, so you can see the details in the console.