Way to query distributed from Metabase to prestoDB


I have a prestoDB with 3 connectors, one MySQL, one Prostgresql and one MondoDB, and from presto I can query distributed between these 3 dbs. When I connect from Metabase, only one connector is allowed, but I want to query distributed. Is there any other solution than linked servers(founded from other posts) ? Or is it possible somehow Metabase to communicate with an API and sending the query, which API will be connected to prestodb and ask the query to a distributed env ?

Thank you for taking the time :slight_smile:

Hi @diastimovlachos
Metabase currently sees each database you have configured in Admin > Databases as a completely separate databases, and currently cannot be queried across:
https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/3953 - upvote by clicking :+1: on the first post