The value artisan_id in our dataset is '3429'
In the display for the table, a space is inserted (for it to be readable?)
In downloading the table, this artificial whitespace is conserved '3 429'
I am running metabase version 49 (open source self-host)
What happens when you export in xlsx or JSON? ... That values seems to be added as a TEXT .. since numbers tend to be left aligned and text to be right aligned
I confirm that the problem is also present in xlsx and json downloads:
As for the numbers being stored as text, i believe you are right which is particularly bizarre considering in our data source (bigquery) this column is formatted as integer (int64)
Any idea how to force metabase into formatting the column as a number and not text ?
My field type is already set as Entity Key alas
For info: I get the same weird spacing in my exports for all columns that are formatted as numbers (price, quantity, etc) as well as those formatted as keys
Hey Tony, thanks for your continued support on this ticket
We have just upgraded to 49.7, but alas the issue persists.
Any other suggestions would be appreciated!