Where to find Dashboard Subscription recipients in Metabase data?

Running version (not using pro or enterprise).

I'm trying to put together a list of all externally-emailed Metabase reports.

I was able to do this easily for query_execution.context = 'pulse', (which I believe is capturing all of our 'alerts') by joining to the pulse and pulse_channel tables to get pulse_channel.details which contains all of the email recipients.

For query_execution.context = 'dashboard_subscription' I'm having a hard time pulling in any data. I assume that I can pull in our internal user recipients using the pule_channel_recipient table, but I am only concerned with external recipients at the moment.

How can I find the recipients of our dashboard subscriptions who are not associated with a core_user record (without having access to the Pro/Enterprise Usage Analytics)?

every external recipient of a subscription is on the pulse_channel table on the details field

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