I’m trying to use the POST /api/dataset/ endpoint which specifies a query parameter, however I haven’t been able to find documentation for what format query should be.
Thanks sbelak. I have this working for POST /api/dataset now using the native query, however, two issues have come up:
When I call POST /api/dataset with a native query, the response returns JSON but it does not include the Content-Type header which would ideally be application/json or application/json; charset=utf-8
When I call POST /api/dataset/json in an attempt to get a JSON Content-Type response header, I get the following error: 400 Bad Request - {"errors":{"query":"value must be a valid JSON string."}}. It seems like there are request differences in POST /api/dataset and POST /api/dataset/json in addition to the return format type.
This lack of a Content-Type header is causing an issue with the Go SDK I’m auto-building which I’m looking to resolve.